Start Competing

Start Competing: Imperial Fists Tactics

The Imperial Fists are the stalwart defenders of Terra, known for wearing yellow power armor and being really uptight. They've never had amazing rules by any stretch, typically focusing on their renowned skill with bolters and their ability to win...

Start Competing: Salamanders Tactics

Salamanders are a First Founding legion that first saw rules with the release of 3rd edition's Codex: Armageddon, which gave the green marines rules alongside the Black Templars - a weird old set which for some reason made the Salamanders...

Start Competing: Raven Guard Tactics

The stealthy killers of the Raven Guard have always had their dedicated fans but have, rather appropriately, kept to the shadows for much of the history of 40K. That changed in a big way with the release of the...

Start Competing: Iron Hands Tactics

Once the terrifying bogeymen of late 8th edition, the Iron Hands haven't had bespoke rules very often but when they have, those rules have been at least pretty good, and sometimes - as was the case with the 8th...

Start Competing: Beasts of Chaos

Like Chaos but feel like it's a bit too...orderly? Do hierarchal barbarians or secret covens seem anathema to Chaos? Beasts of Chaos might be for you. Ignoring all the "rules" and "hierarchies" of other Chaos factions, Beasts of Chaos...

Start Competing: Practice, Part 3 – Dealing with Success

Welcome back, wargamers. In our previous articles on practice, we talked about preparing for your first tournaments and followed that up with a look at how you can step up your game in practice to improve your game and...

Start Competing: Ultramarines Tactics

The poster boys of the Space Marine faction and potentially all of Warhammer 40,000, the Ultramarines have had a long journey from having their own Codex representing all of the "generic" chapters in 2nd edition to being an afterthought...

Start Competing: White Scars Tactics

Though a first founding legion, it took White Scars a long time to get real recognition in Warhammer 40k. They didn't get proper rules until the Index Astartes article series in 3rd edition started handing out rules to each...

Start Competing: Space Marines Tactics

This page now references an out of date edition of the game. For Start Competing: Space Marines in 10th edition and onwards, please click here. Space Marines are the iconic faction of Warhammer 40,000. The very origins of the setting...

Start Competing: Space Marines Tactics Updated!

With a huge strain of effort, our largest Start Competing has begun to be updated. Yes, it's the Space Marines, and we're on the way to getting them written up for their surprisingly extensive 9th edition changes. With this...