Start Competing

Start Competing: 9th Dark Angels Tactics – Updated September 3, 2022

This page now references an out of date edition of the game. For Start Competing: Dark Angels in 10th edition and onwards, please click here. Place yourself into a period of the before time. Before things like "Competitive" or "Transhuman"...

Start Competing: Ironjawz Tactics

Overview Strengths Beginner Friendly - While learning the ins and outs of the exact chain of buffs you need to win can take some practice, the army is very easy to understand. Take boys, push forward and clear out. Best...

Start Competing: OGP and You!

I had previously written about the various Pairing and Placing systems that the competitive Warhammer community might use to manager their events, however, the fellows over at Best Coast Pairings recently announced the release of a new metric for...

Start Competing: “JUUUUUUDGE!”

I think one of the hardest things to be comfortable and confident in doing is requesting that a judge come to your table. For one thing, it often requires yelling out randomly for help and puts you in the...

Cruel Times Won’t Last But Kruleboyz Will

Kruleboyz are the latest faction to be released for Age of Sigmar. The Dominion box set included 39 new models and a copy is likely still lying around your friendly local game store. The secondary market is also flush...

Start Competing: Word Bearers Tactics (Updated 12/15/2022)

STOP: This guide is out of date! You can now find up-to-date details on how to play this faction in our guide to playing Chaos Space Marines. Check out Start Competing: Chaos Space Marines here. The underappreciated scholars of the Chaos Legions,...

Start Competing: Chaos Space Marines (and all the legions) Updated!

A lot has changed recently with Chaos Space Marines. Most notably, the November 2021 Balance Dataslate changed Death to the False Emperor to apply to every enemy faction, not just IMPERIUM units, significantly improving the faction's melee capabilities. Additionally,...

Start Competing: Death Guard Updated!

It's been almost half a year since the rules for the Terminus Est Army of Renown came out and since then while not much has changed for Death Guard rules-wise, the meta around them has certainly shifted. In light...

Infinity Faction Focus: Haqqislam

Stepping away from "snowflakes" for a bit, this week Marc "Ilor" Renouf takes a broader look at one of the main factions in Infinity: the perfidious forces of Haqqislam! Have you ever wanted to be super-sneaky with your army composition,...

Measuring Up the Competition: A Review of the ITC Scoring System

The COVID pandemic is far from over but as hot spots have become increasingly regionalized, countries and communities are returning to a semblance of normality, including the competitive Warhammer 40k community. One thing that has been lost in the...