Start Competing

Start Competing: Emperor’s Children Updated!

We’re currently doing a big inventory and update on our Start Competing series, and today we’ve updated the article for Emperor's Children, current kings of competitive Chaos Space Marines play. We covering everything they bring to the table for...

Start Competing: Word Bearers Updated!

We’re currently doing a big inventory and update on our Start Competing series, and today we’ve updated the article for Word Bearers, covering everything they bring to the table for Chaos Space Marines. Stay tuned as we update the...

Start Competing: Iron Warriors Updated!

We’re currently doing a big inventory and update on our Start Competing series, and today we’ve updated the article for Iron Warriors, covering everything they bring to the table for Chaos Space Marines. Stay tuned as we update the...

Start Competing: Black Legion Updated!

We’re currently doing a big inventory and update on our Start Competing series, and today we’ve updated Chaos Space Marines, finally bringing it up to date to account for the 9th edition codex that dropped over the summer. This...

Start Competing: Chaos Space Marines Updated!

We’re currently doing a big inventory and update on our Start Competing series, and today we've updated Chaos Space Marines, finally bringing it up to date to account for the 9th edition codex that dropped over the summer. This...

Start Competing: Thousand Sons Updated!

We’re currently doing a big inventory and update on our Start Competing series, and next on the list was the psychic warriors of the Thousand Sons. To get things up to date, we've cleaned up some older content that...

Start Competing: Daughters of Khaine Updated!

It's been a fair bit since we updated the Start Competing for Age of Sigmar, so we decided it was time to updated the Daughters of Khaine. The original rather unfortunately timed itself just before the codex at the end...

Start Competing: Death Guard Tactics Updated!

We're currently doing a big inventory and update on our Start Competing series, and I chose to knock out some of the low-hanging fruit this week by updating Death Guard. There wasn't a ton to fix here - it...

Start Competing: Tyranid Tactics (9th Edition)

Competitively, Tyranids have had a history of suffering, let's just get that out of the way. Certainly there were a few bright spots along the way, but those were few and far between the decades of lackluster rules that...

Start Competing: Warhammer 40,000 Team Tournaments

The World Team Championships ended last month and before we kick off our recaps of the event from some of the world's top players, we thought it would be good to run through what team tournaments are in 40k,...