star wars

Star Wars: Shatterpoint – Fear & Dead Men Squad Pack Review

The Fear & Dead Men Squad pack ushers in a dark era to Star Wars Shatterpoint. The first Empire-themed box during the Galactic Civil War era and our second Darth Vader primary unit. Darth Vader, The Emperor's Servant, will...

Star Wars: Armada – Obituary and Future

On Thursday June 13, AMG announced the discontinuation of development on Star Wars: Armada and Star Wars: X-Wing. This came after a week of tense waiting when Asmodee quietly delisted all Star Wars: Armada stock from their store. Optimistic...

Games Industry News Roundup- June 18th, 2024

Here at Goonhammer, we know that it’s hard to keep track of all the news happening all the time in the games industry. So much is always going on with games of all sorts, and their related media, it...

How to Paint Everything: Fistful of Credits Squad Pack

Fistful of Credits is the first in what will hopefully be a long line of bounty hunters and scum. These characters span from the Clone Wars era through the Galactic Republic, allowing the Bounty Hunter supporting unit to fill...

Shatterpoint Premiere Event at the Goonhammer Open!

Goonhammer is proud to host our first Star Wars: Shatterpoint Premiere event at this year's Goonhammer Open - Maryland! We're running a 4-round Premier event on Sunday July 7th. The Goonhammer Open is taking place on July 6th and 7th...

How to Paint Everything: You Have Something I Want Squad Pack for Star Wars: Shatterpoint

The newly released You Have Something I Want squad pack for Star Wars: Shatterpoint is looking to be a strong, popular addition to the game.  If you want to get yours on the table quickly, Goonhammer is here to...

How to Paint Everything: Star Wars Shatterpoint You Cannot Run Duel Pack

Lightsabers and pew pew action will always make my primitive lizard brain excited. And Obi-Wan Kenobi and Darth Vader are two of my favorite Star Wars characters. So naturally, I bought the big premium set and even painted the...

The Star Wars Hotel and Star Wars Land: The Goonhammer Review and Retrospective

Jenny Nicholson's Deep Dive into Star Wars Galactic Starcruiser (aka the Star Wars Hotel) was right! Mostly. Find out what Goonhammer's Kevin Stillman found most memorable, and most disappointing about the experience.

Star Wars: Legion Getting Started: The Galactic Empire

What Is the Empire? The Galactic Empire is a brutal dictatorship that replaced the Galactic Republic at the end of the Clone Wars. Led by Emperor Palpatine and his right hand, Darth Vader, the Empire rules through fear and violence,...

Getting Started with Star Wars: Shatterpoint

Deciding to play any miniatures game can be a challenge. We are here to help get you over the hump and show you this game is worth your time and energy. Our previous article discussed the rules and review...