star wars

Star Wars: Armada Naval Academy – Dice 101

Today’s naval academy is about Star Wars: Armada’s dice and their suspiciously candy-like design. This article is dedicated to Greg, who requested an explanation of the game’s dice in very, very simple terms. Let’s talk about basic mechanics, cryptic...

Goonhammer Hot Take: Star Wars Legion December 2022 points changes

After a wild year of battleforces, mercenaries, and Imperial oppression, AMG today released their 2022 points changes for Star Wars Legion. These are only the first of five (!) rules and erratta documents AMG has promised us before the...

Andor: Star Wars Won’t Ever Be Permitted to Be Better Than This

This review contains spoilers for Andor. Is Andor the best television show this year? Seems like a question that, on the face of it and if you’ve been consuming media about it, is easily answered. This is then the part...

Star Wars: Armada Faction Focus – Galactic Republic

Welcome back to our regular coverage of Star Wars: Armada. If you missed our article on getting started, you can find it here. I'm back with another Armada faction focus. It’s time to respond to the droid attack on...

Star Wars: Armada Dockyard – Republic Navy Part II

This is the continuation of Dockyard – Republic Navy. I started with optimistic ideas about covering the entire faction in a single article, but the word count grew out of control and I wanted to get paid twice, so...

Star Wars: Armada Dockyard – Republic Navy Part I

Once upon a time, the Galactic Republic was brought low by forces from beyond, and within. This spawned a chain of events that would somehow culminate in The Rise of Skywalker. I'm still trying to figure out the progression,...

Star Wars: Armada Naval Academy – Basic Squadron Fleet-building

Hi again. Summer’s dragging you to the Academy of Carida for flight operations school. Bring a pencil, it's going to be a long one. The Tip of the Spear - “This is where the fun begins.” Star Wars Armada is centred...

Star Wars: Armada Naval Academy – Salvo and Contain

This is Naval Academy, a new article series that discusses smart Armada play. I’ve introduced this lovely game and started working through the factions. Now, it’s time to get a perspective on gameplay. Today, it’s two of the game's...

Star Wars: Armada Dockyard – Imperial Small Ships

Welcome back to the Dockyard, where we discuss the many ships of Star Wars: Armada. Today, the small ships of the Galactic Empire. Strap in. There are some pretty intense offerings here. A Knife in the Dark – “I still...

Star Wars: Armada Faction Focus – Galactic Empire

Hey, it’s Summer and I get to talk about my favourite faction today. Great stuff. Schwerpunkt – “Threats of insurrection must be met with strong, centralized power.” The Galactic Empire is a dictatorial state that rose to power in the wake...