star wars shatterpoint

How to Paint Everything: Assaj Ventress for Star Wars: Shatterpoint

Just pick up a Star Wars: Shatterpoint Core Set, or working on that backlog? If you’re looking for inspiration to paint your Assaj Ventress, here’s one Goonhammer contributor’s approach. The Assaj Ventress model for Star Wars: Shatterpoint provides an opportunity...

Getting Started – Star Wars: Shatterpoint Galactic Republic

  The Clone Wars Era of Star Wars is without a doubt the part which has grabbed me the most. I grew up with the prequal movies being released just as I was getting into my nerd stride and Clone...

Star Wars: Shatterpoint – Fear & Dead Men Squad Pack Review

The Fear & Dead Men Squad pack ushers in a dark era to Star Wars Shatterpoint. The first Empire-themed box during the Galactic Civil War era and our second Darth Vader primary unit. Darth Vader, The Emperor's Servant, will...

How to Paint Everything: Fistful of Credits Squad Pack

Fistful of Credits is the first in what will hopefully be a long line of bounty hunters and scum. These characters span from the Clone Wars era through the Galactic Republic, allowing the Bounty Hunter supporting unit to fill...

How to Paint Everything: You Have Something I Want Squad Pack for Star Wars: Shatterpoint

The newly released You Have Something I Want squad pack for Star Wars: Shatterpoint is looking to be a strong, popular addition to the game.  If you want to get yours on the table quickly, Goonhammer is here to...

How to Paint Everything – Star Wars: Shatterpoint Lord Maul

The visual style of the Star Wars animated shows is one of the many reasons I have returned to them time and time again.  I have also always been fascinated by the style of Silver-Age Comic Books.  It’s an...

Star Wars: Shatterpoint – You Have Something I Want Squad Pack Review

The You Have Something I Want squad pack was just released for Star Wars: Shatterpoint from Atomic Mass Games. But is this squad pack Something You Want? Read on to find out. Thank you to Atomic Mass Games for...

Star Wars Shatterpoint-Certified Guild Squad Pack Review

The Mandalorian show on Disney+ seemingly came out of nowhere and became very popular with Star Wars fans.  Now, some of the main characters in that show have made their way to the table in Star Wars: Shatterpoint, adding...

Getting Started with Star Wars: Shatterpoint

Deciding to play any miniatures game can be a challenge. We are here to help get you over the hump and show you this game is worth your time and energy. Our previous article discussed the rules and review...

How to Paint Everything: Star Wars: Shatterpoint – Clone Force 99 Squad Pack

Star Wars: Shatterpoint, like most skirmish games, gives players the opportunity to post a variety of models and color schemes. It’s one of the things that is so attractive to me about skirmish level games these days. But with...