star wars shatterpoint

How to Paint Everything: Clonetroopers and Stormtroopers for Star Wars: Legion and Star Wars: Shatterpoint

If you’re a Star Wars mini gamer, chances are you’ve faced with having to paint a number of clonetroopers or stormtroopers. All that white armor can be intimidating, but we at Goonhammer are here to help. We’ve put together...

How To Paint Everything: Anakin Skywalker for Star Wars Shatterpoint

Continuing in our series of articles about painting figures for Star Wars: Shatterpoint from Atomic Mass Games, this article will help you get the moody boy himself Anakin Skywalker ready for tabletop action. My paint schemes typically stick closely to...

Ministravaganza 2024: Star Wars Shatterpoint Roundtable

Atomic Mass Games' annual Ministravaganza streamed live on Thursday, July 18, 2024, through Saturday, July 20. The sophomore year for Shatterpoint is ramping up to be massive. The Star Wars Shatterpoint Road Map was the first presentation right after...

Terrain Talk: Star Wars Shatterpoint Maintenance Bay Terrain Pack

Bigger Than You Think The Maintenance Bay Terrain Pack is the latest addition to Star Wars: Shatterpoint terrain offerings, and it will be released on August 16, 2024. With the release date recently announced, we wanted to preview some Adepticon...

Star Wars Shatterpoint Imperial Academy: Mastering Deployment

From the Desk of the Grand Imperial Army Welcome, cadet, to the Imperial Academy. During your training here we will cover many subjects to help you achieve victory on the battlefield and bring glory to the Empire. Our mission is...

How to Paint Everything: Assaj Ventress for Star Wars: Shatterpoint

Just pick up a Star Wars: Shatterpoint Core Set, or working on that backlog? If you’re looking for inspiration to paint your Assaj Ventress, here’s one Goonhammer contributor’s approach. The Assaj Ventress model for Star Wars: Shatterpoint provides an opportunity...

Getting Started – Star Wars: Shatterpoint Galactic Republic

  The Clone Wars Era of Star Wars is without a doubt the part which has grabbed me the most. I grew up with the prequal movies being released just as I was getting into my nerd stride and Clone...

Star Wars: Shatterpoint – Fear & Dead Men Squad Pack Review

The Fear & Dead Men Squad pack ushers in a dark era to Star Wars Shatterpoint. The first Empire-themed box during the Galactic Civil War era and our second Darth Vader primary unit. Darth Vader, The Emperor's Servant, will...

How to Paint Everything: Fistful of Credits Squad Pack

Fistful of Credits is the first in what will hopefully be a long line of bounty hunters and scum. These characters span from the Clone Wars era through the Galactic Republic, allowing the Bounty Hunter supporting unit to fill...

How to Paint Everything: You Have Something I Want Squad Pack for Star Wars: Shatterpoint

The newly released You Have Something I Want squad pack for Star Wars: Shatterpoint is looking to be a strong, popular addition to the game.  If you want to get yours on the table quickly, Goonhammer is here to...