star wars shatterpoint

How to Paint Everything: That’s Good Business for Star Wars: Shatterpoint

McWhat looks at how to paint the That's Good Business Squad Pack from Star Wars Shatterpoint, which includes fan favorite Hondo Ohnaka and his Weequay cronies. 

Zion’s Finest Episode 77 – Bring a Torch, Sean, Kyle (Torchlight GT)

In this episode of Zion's Finest, Sean and Kyle talk about their 4-1 runs at the Torchlight GT that happened in Ontario, Canada last month.

How to Paint Everything: Star Wars Shatterpoint Fearless and Inventive Squad Pack

Visually the Fearless and Inventive squad pack offers some nice variation, with Luke Skywalker’s striking black costume and green lightsaber, Leia and Lando’s palace disguises, and a fancy drinks tray for R2.

How to Paint Everything: Star Wars Shatterpoint This is Some Rescue Squad Pack

Jefferson Powers takes a look at how to paint the crazy kids from the Death Star escape in A New Hope in HTPE: This Is Some Rescue for Star Wars Shatterpoint.

How to Paint Everything: Lead by Example for Star Wars: Shatterpoint

In How to Paint Everything, we're looking at the Clone Wars Jedi Plo Koon and his clone trooper "friends" from Star Wars Shatterpoint.

Star Wars: Shatterpoint – That’s Good Business Squad Pack Review

The colorful and gregarious Hondo Ohnaka has had memorable team-ups with Obi-Wan Kenobi, Ezra Bridger, and Chewbacca, among others, so he definitely won’t be out of place on a Shatterpoint battlefield.

Star Wars: Shatterpoint – Real Quiet Like Squad Pack Review

We’re just gonna get you ready for your next game, Real Quiet Like.  Based on Return of the Jedi this squad pack includes General Han Solo, Chewie, and Rebel Commandos. While Han is dressed more in his smuggler outfit...

How To Paint Everything: Boba Fett, On Contract

This is Boba Fett, On Contract from We Don't Need Their Scum Unit Pack. This is the first supplement pack with all secondary units. Thank you to AMG for a review copy so we can get this out before...

Star Wars: Shatterpoint – We Don’t Need Their Scum Tactics

We’re back for another tactics article! This time, the We Don’t Need Their Scum Unit Pack! To start with a personal note, I am extremely excited for this release. Since my childhood, the mystique of bounty hunters tickled my...

How To Paint Everything: Snowtroopers and Snow Basing for Star Wars Shatterpoint

If you just picked up the Maximum Firepower Squad Pack for Star Wars: Shatterpoint, you’re looking at painting a bunch of white armor yet again. If, like me, you’re feeling a bit burnt out on painting all these clone...