
Detachment Focus: Hearthband

We take a deep look at the new Hearthband Detachment for the Leagues of Votann, which sheds Judgement Tokens in favor of support for Hearthguard.

Q4 2024 40K Balance Dataslate: Xenos

The December 2024 Balance update brought some major changes and in this article we're looking at what changed for Xenos factions and what it means for your games.

Goonhammer Reviews: Index Leagues of Votann 10th Edition Crusade Rules in White Dwarf 503

We take a look at the new Leagues of Votann Crusade rules in White Dwarf #503 - what's going on with them, are they any good, and how to use them.

Necromunday: Ironhead Squat Prospectors Claim Jumper Review

Gold! Gold from the Sump rivers! The Ironhead Squats, one of Necromunda’s newest gangs, have gained their first unique regular hanger-on in the form of the Claim Jumper. In this article, we take a look at this powerful new...

Votann Join the Fray: Goonhammer Reviews the Hearthkyn Salvager Kill Team

Kill Team Gallowfall introduces us to two new kill teams, each of which is approaching the space hulk environment with a different skill set. Beastmen are the new melee horde in town, and the Hearthkyn are their more ranged...

Bringing the Chaos Dwarves to the Leagues of Votann: Part 1

In this new semiregular blog series, we're following along with Shane Watts as he converts, builds, and paints his Leagues of Votann army, then sets out to take on the ITC with them.  First, an introduction, since it's been a...

Hammer of Math: Warhammer 40k Leagues of Votann Options and Builds

This week's Hammer of Math takes another look at Leagues of Votann, focusing on the options available to different units. Last week, in what turned out to be fairly popular article, we provided a rather expletive-laden discussion on why multiple...

Codex Leagues of Votann: The Crusade Rules Review

As always, we follow up our review of the Codex with a look at the book's Crusade rules. If you missed our detailed review of the book's rules and datasheets with a focus on matched play, you can find...

The Short Kings: A League of Votann model review

We've been furiously grinding away at our painting desks here in Goonhammer Towers getting the Leagues of Votann built and painted from the boxes Games Workshop provided us to review. While the rules team had some very interesting reactions,...

The Squats – The Story of Thicness

With GW’s announcement that Squats are returning, it felt like a good time to have a detailed look at the history of Squats, or Space Dwarves, in 40k. The Squats are a faction with a very weird and spotty...