
Age of Sigmar Fourth Edition – Playing Spearhead with the Skaventide Box

We'd like to thank Games Workshop for sending us these rules and the Skaventide box set for review purposes. New editions are almost always a great time to pick up a game you've been wanting to play. Long time players...

The Dallas Spearhead Event- Goonhammer’s Impressions

At the Warhammer Open event in Dallas, Games Workshop gave the general public the first opportunity to try it’s new Spearhead format for Age of Sigmar fourth edition. Alongside the guided demos happening just outside the main gaming hall,...

Age of Sigmar Dallas Open Spearhead “Tournament” Results

Full disclosure - Fred and I are both members of the Georgia Warband gaming club where we frequently banter. We spoke for about 35 minutes about his experience technically getting first place in the first public Spearhead event. He...

Age of Sigmar Spearhead Livestream Review

"What are we gonna talk about? We know what we're going to talk about and then it just goes from there." - Claudio Castagnoli putting over attending in-person events. It felt like the result of a half-baked AI that was...

Age of Sigmar Spearhead Roundtable – Initial Impressions

Goonhammer wants to thank Games Workshop for providing access for us to test out Spearhead and share our thoughts on the subject. Our contributors to this Spearhead Roundtable: Bair: Hi, I'm Bair and I play far too many different games. That's...