space wolves

A Jarl’s First Grand Tournament

Goonhammer Patron "Jarl" Ian Donovan recently attended the US Goonhammer Open in Bethesda Maryland, finishing 10th overall with a 4-2 record. This is his story. Alright, so here’s the tl;dr version: I flew down to DC, played 6 games with...

Competitive Innovations in 9th: The Warp Stirs pt.2

More events = more content. I can't imagine there will be many complaints. Today, we'll be covering: Matthammer FactoruM September GT Carnage - 'Ere We Go Again Ladz A bonus look at the Polish Team Championships If you're looking for the...

White Dwarf 468 Review: The Wolfspear Chapter

White Dwarf 468 threw us a bit of a curveball this month, forgoing our usual campaign content in the Octarius sector for another Codex: Space Marines supplement, this time covering the Wolfspear Chapter, a Space Wolves successor chapter. The...

Competitive Innovations in 9th: Supermajor Surprise

You would think that I would remember that there was an upcoming supermajor given that I was, at one point, booked for it (prior to potential COVID disruption to travel leading me to cancel) but apparently not. Well, there...

Competitive Innovations in 9th: Global Waaaagh pt.2

We're back for part two of this week's column, today covering: The North and South GT The FactoruM GT The Saltier Classic The War on the Shore GT The Kent GT If you're looking for any of the following events,...

Battle Report: A Deed Worthy of Legend: 5-0 performance at IWTS Open

Hello internet, it's JONK again. This time I am here to talk with you about the GT I just organized, ran and competed in on August 21st and 22nd in Brandon, Manitoba.  After the last series of articles I...

Competitive Innovations in 9th: Magnificent Seven

This week I'm on holiday, but the march of 40K never stops, and there's plenty going on in the competitive scene. With that in mind, my cunning compromise between me getting a proper break and not letting this column...

Start Competing: Space Wolves updated!

One of our most popular requests for an updated Start Competing article over the last few months has been the Sons of Russ; it turns out a lot of you want to know more about how to get the...

Returning to competitive play, the covid saga

Hello again internet, I am taking a break from filling Competitive innovations with salt as Wing's stand-in and instead am here to discuss an experience many of us will have to deal with in the coming months: Showing up...

40k Battle Report: A Fell Tide

It's been a while since we did a good battle report and in today's report TheChirurgeon is reviewing a Crusade game played using the new "A Fell Tide" mission from White Dwarf 465.