Space Marines

Review Roundup – Imperial Fists, Salamanders and Aeldari

It's been a wild few weeks in the GW release world, with a whole bunch of new books and models coming out, but Goonhammer is here to help you navigate all the cool new options and sort the treasures...

Start Competing: Blood Angels Tactics

This page now references an out of date edition of the game. For Start Competing: Blood Angels in 10th edition and onwards, please click here. The Blood Angels have a long history in Warhammer 40k, appearing as one of the...

Vanguard Marines Sneak Into Kill Team

In the October 2019 copy of White Dwarf, Games Workshop has released new and updated rules for using Vanguard Marines and Intercessors for Adeptus Astartes and Deathwatch in Kill Team. Some of it is new, some of it is...

Codex Supplement: Salamanders – The Goonhammer Review

Nearly two months since the Space Marines Codex v2.0 first released, we're finally getting the last parts of Marinetember, with the Imperial Fists and Salamanders supplements releasing (and a few key units that people expected to release months ago)....

The Man With the Iron Hands – Understanding the Current 40k Meta with the FAQ (the Second One)

Shortly after this article went live, GW released a second updated version of the Iron Hands FAQ with much more significant changes. We have updated the article to reflect those changes and our thoughts on them. Since Codex Supplement: Iron...

Gunum Presents: Hear me out, Cyle!

An Exercise in Dark Angel Restraint Hello everyone! Your friendly neighborhood Gunum here, bringing you a small write-up on the thought process I go through when building lists for any tournament I go to. They way I do this is...

Hammer of Math: Diet Smite (Imperial Edition)

In last week's Hammer of Math, Kevin Genson went through the probability of successfully manifesting psyker powers under various conditions and also discussed the efficacy of the universally known Smite power. This week the psyker shenanigans continue with a...

Tournament Preview – Three Cool Lists from Crucible 8 GT

Participating in the Nova Open's Narrative event has left me hungry for more 40k, so I've set my sights on attending the Crucible 8 GT this weekend. This will be my first time attending Crucible, and I'm pretty excited! Down...

Tournament Preview – Three Cool Lists from Seeds of Destruction

Tournament season is back! For whatever reason, the months of October and November are extremely densely packed with events in the UK calendar, so just like last year it's time for a wild ride of events through to Christmas,...

Space Marines at the Fargo Two Rivers ITC Event: A Naramyth Trip Report

As I've mentioned before, I don't need to chase Admech RTT points for the rest of the ITC year so now it's time for me to turn my attention to my true love: Space Marines. I've owned marines for...