Space Marines

The Kids’ Table: New Space Marine Units

While Goonhammer’s A-Team is busy going through the new Space Marines Codex properly, we’ve dispatched our B-Team to offer a look at the new Datasheets in the books. Clearly with a big 40k release like this you want to...

The Goonhammer Review: Codex Space Marines 9th Edition

It feels like we've only just been down this road, but it's a new edition and so it's time for another Space Marines codex, accompanied by one of the largest model releases we've seen in a long time (though...

Competitive Innovations in 9th: Iron Halo and Red Rock Exterminatus

Welcome back to the second part of our coverage of what proved to be an extremely busy weekend for the 40K tournament scene, this time turning our attention to two events taking place in the USA, the Iron Halo...

Hammer of Math: Expedited Martyrdom

This week's Hammer of Math takes a look at the narrative side of 40K and examines some of the numbers behind the Crusade system and getting your Astartes interred in a Dreadnought as quickly as possible. I'll freely admit; as...

Competitive Innovations in 9th: Brisbane GT

From within the terrible Panopticon we recently had installed in the Goonhammer offices we have once more cast our gazes far and wide to continue bringing you week-by-week updates on the exciting new builds players are trying out in...

Hammer of Math: Space Marine Codex Preview

On Saturday Games Workshop revealed a lot of upcoming information about the new Necron and Space Marine codex, and for the Astartes there was a considerable amount of information that we can actually analyze and process. The reveal was...

Competitive Innovations in 9th: Varbergs GT

Welcome back to another week looking at the evolving landscape of 9th Edition's competitive metagame. With a few weeks of this behind us, some definite patterns are starting to emerge, and you can see some of my thoughts on...

Competitive Innovations in 9th: Hellstorm RTT Safari

For the first time in a few weeks we find ourselves without a new GT to talk about as the 9th Edition evolves, but that doesn't mean that the fiery coals of innovation aren't smouldering away across the world,...

Little Wars: Combat Patrol Mission Gameplay in 9th

We've devoted a lot of time and energy to Strike Force missions in 9th edition, but we'd be remiss if we didn't talk about some of the other new ways to play 40k with smaller armies. In today's article,...

Hammer of Math: Imperium/Chaos Dedicated Transport Survival

One of the things that's becoming readily apparent about 9th Edition is that the ability to take and hold objectives is a key priority. Transports, which were largely ignored in 8th Edition, are seeing a comeback as a useful...