Space Marines

Competitive Innovations in 9th: Västerås Autumn Bash

It's been a wild, wild weekend in many ways, with the updated Forge World Compendium and two new Marine Supplements previewed, guaranteeing we've got further metagame shakeups to come in the next few weeks. Some competitive Forge World staples...

9th Edition Imperial Armour Compendium: The Goonhammer Review

Forge World formed a key part of competitive play in 8th Edition, offering a wide range of additional options for some factions alongside some very cool models for players who wanted to try something different. The impact was, shall...

Codex Supplement Space Wolves: The Goonhammer Review

With a great howl of triumph, the Sons of Russ burst onto the battlefield once more, now fully arrayed for battle. Space Wolves have joined the supplement club, adding their array of unique datasheets and tools on top of...

Codex Supplement Deathwatch: The Goonhammer Review

8th edition was, on the whole, pretty rough for Deathwatch. Lacking in unit variety, fragile, expensive, and struggling with some functions, monofaction Deathwatch were a tough army to play and play well. They had some reasonable play in soup...

Competitive Innovations in 9th: Codexes Catch On

Welcome once again, seekers of list-based novelty. This weekend's event profile looks pretty similar to last week's - a couple of small GTs, and a large number of RTTs. With the new books still at least moderately warm off...

Competitive Innovations in 9th: Northern Front and New Books

The past weekend was another relatively quiet one on the scene in terms of big events, with just a single GT to look at, but smaller events are still churning on and with new books just having come out...

Editor Showdown Battle Report – Space Marines vs. Necrons

The 9th Edition Marine and Necron codexes appearing at the same time handed us an exciting opportunity. As anyone who has encountered my alter-ego OVERLORD WINGS will know, I'm a keen Necron player, while fellow editor Corrode has been...

Hammer of Math: Eradicators

If there's one thing that's been talked about since the revelation of 9th edition and Codex: Space Marines in particular, it's the immense potential of the Eradicator. Already a standout from the Indomitus box, Codex: Space Marines takes things...

The Space Marine and Necron Codexes are out today!

Today is the 10th of October, an exciting day for 40k as the first two codexes of 9th edition are finally released - one each for Space Marines and Necrons! We were lucky enough to get preview copies of the...

Competitive Innovations in 9th: European Bonanza

All the hot Space Marine and Necron details are now out in the wild, FAQs are flying thick and fast and across the world the creative juices are flowing as players try to work out how best to achieve...