Space Marines

Aeronautica Imperialis – It Lives!

So we’re back in the game. After 4 months of total radio silence on Aeronautica (very likely because disruption to the release schedule caused by lockdowns, Brexit, and factory issues meant that they ran out of Warhammer Community articles to...

Hammer of Math: Contemptor Customization

This week's Hammer of Math answer a question from reader Jeremy regarding the myriad options available to a the Contemptor Dreadnought. Space Marines are rarely at a loss for choices, and the Relic Contemptor Dreadnought from Imperial Armour Compendium is...

Ruleshammer: Codex Space Marines

Welcome to Ruleshammer Codex Space Marines - the one place to look for Ruleshammer Q&A on main book Space Marine issues! You can also find answers to many more questions in the Ruleshammer Compendium! Last Updated: 2022-02-04 Current Q&A Command Oratory; which...

White Dwarf #462: Index Astartes: Exorcists Review

In what has become an inevitability for 9th edition, March's White Dwarf brought us another Index: Astartes article, fleshing out one of the lesser-known Space Marine Chapters. This time it's the turn of the Exorcists. The Exorcists aren't a Chapter...

Hammer of Math: Space Marine Heavy Smashers

This week's Hammer of Math takes a fresh look at some of the heavy hitters of the Space Marine army, and how they've changed in 9th edition. The concept of the Smash Captain is a simple one. Take a Space...

Kill Team Tactics: Space Marines / Adeptus Astartes

It's been almost a year and a half since our last Space Marines tactics article for Kill Team and thanks to Pariah Nexus, quite a bit has changed. Marines have the benefit of being the Kill Team faction with...

Kill Team Pariah Nexus Review, Part 3: The Factions and New Datasheets

In addition to new rules and new models, the new Kill Team Pariah Nexus book also lists out rules for more than a dozen models, adding new units and completely updating the Space Marines Kill Team range while doing…...

Army Showcase: The Ot Neba Chapter and Crawling Towards a Painted Army

I’ve been asked a few times to make an army showcase for my boys.  This has been a pretty significant project I’ve worked on for a solid decade, so I wanted to put some work into it. I plan...

Hammer of Math: Transhuman Physiology and Gene-Wrought Might

This week's Hammer of Math takes a deep dive into the optimal strategy for applying Transhuman Physiology and Gene-Wrought Might courtesy of a reader question. If you would like a question answered in this series, please use this form...

Start Competing: Blood Angels Updated!

The Sons of Sanguinius have come roaring out of 8th edition and into the brave new world of 9th edition, where they have become a Codex Supplement, gaining access to a whole raft of new Space Marine units and...