Space Marines

Competitive Innovations in 9th: Liminal State

Last week was a big old upheaval for competitive 40K thanks to the release of the first Balance Dataslate, and thanks to the intrepid players and TOs at Northern Warlords, this week, we get a first glimpse of the...

Competitive Innovations in 9th: Last Orders pt.1

As may not have escaped your notice, it's an exciting week in the 40K world, with a spicy new balance dataslate that's going to shake up the top metagame substantially. You can check out our rundown of that here,...

John Lennon talks about playing with the new Black Templars Codex

John: Gather, Neophytes, as I dive into the most sacred tome of 9th edition. After years of waiting the Black Templars finally have their own standalone codex, and it’s a good time for the faithful to stock up on...

Hammer of Math: Exploring the New Codex Black Templars Supplement

This week's Hammer of Math takes a deeper look at some of the effects and rules in the new Codex Supplement: Black Templars and some of the more interesting interactions you can create.   The latest book for the Adeptus Astartes...

White Dwarf 468 Review: The Wolfspear Chapter

White Dwarf 468 threw us a bit of a curveball this month, forgoing our usual campaign content in the Octarius sector for another Codex: Space Marines supplement, this time covering the Wolfspear Chapter, a Space Wolves successor chapter. The...

Fight to Escape! MasterSlowPoke at the Goonhammer Open Narrative

It has been two long, long years since Nova 2019. Far to long since I’ve seen my east coast Goonhammer buddies and greater DC area ham-slammers. The second that the Goonhammer Open Narrative was announced, I knew I had...

Competitive Innovations in 9th: Goonhammerception

This week the answer to "were there any events?" is especially obvious for anyone paying attention to what we've been up to, because the inaugural Goonhammer Open US is now in the books, with the champion's belt (literally, that's...

Reivers & Rubricae: Kill Team Battle Report

This article was prepared using review copies of Kill Team Octarius and the Kill Team Compendium. I've been looking forward to the new Kill Team immensely - skirmish-scale miniatures games are where I cut my teeth on competitive wargaming, but...

Kill Team Compendium Review, Part I: Rules Overview, Building Teams, and the Imperium

The upcoming Kill Team 2.0 release is really a two-part release: The first part is the Octarius boxed set and the Core Rules that accompany it - you can find our review of the box here - and the...

White Dwarf 466: Flashpoints and Torchbearers Review

After a brief bit of downtime in last month’s White Dwarf with the excellent A Fell Tide mission, we’re back up to full speed in issue 466, jumping into the action in the Octarius Sector. This new Flashpoint details...