Space Marines

Arks of Omen Faction Focus: Blood Angels

With a new batch of rules updates comes the need to revisit the strategies and tactics of each faction. Today we're joined by Jack Harpster from the Art of War, and he'll be talking about Blood Angels. Welcome to a...

Arks of Omen Faction Focus: Space Wolves

With a new batch of rules updates comes the need to revisit the strategies and tactics of each faction. Today JONK! is talking about the changes to marines and how they affect Space Wolves armies. Welcome to Arks of Omen!...

Hammer of Math: Space Marines in the New Meta (January 2023)

This week's Hammer of Math takes a look at the effect of the changes in the new Balance Dataslate, Munitorium Field Manual, and Arks of Omen on Space Marines. What a week. For those who don't obsess over every detail of...

Chapter Approved: Arks of Omen Review – Space Marines

Space Marines have been languishing near the bottom of the competitive rankings in the Nephilim, with only Blood Angels really having the chops to consistently punch their way up the tables, so in that context Marine players are probably...

Hammer of Math: Horus Heresy Land Raiders and Lascannons

This week's Hammer of Math answers a question that Bair has been wondering about Horus Heresy: how many lascannons does it take to get to the Space Marine center of a Land Raider? Back in July I did an article...

Competitive Innovations in 9th: Just As Planned pt.2

Welcome back to part 2 of this week's Competitive Innovations. No rest for the wicked, straight in to some more events. Today, we'll be covering: Anyway, it's a massive week so that means a two-parter. Today we will be looking at: ...

Rocco’s Road to US Open Grand Finale – Part Final – I Lied in the Last One

Welcome back to the story of me preparing for a big Warhammer event. Except the event already happened and it’s over. I’m back home writing this at my desk. I’m not playing Warhammer. I took a sick day. Life...

SRM’s Roundabout to the US Open Grand Finale: A Deeply Cursed Venture

With the Games Workshop US Open behind us, it's time for our authors to provide their recaps of the event. In this article, Campbell "SRM" McLaughlin is recapping his harrowing tale of getting to the event and his experiences...

BLUNDERDOME 2 LISTS: Leagues of Votann and Iron Hands

Welcome back, Dear Reader, to the sacred battlegrounds of the second BLUNDERDOME. For those of you who missed yesterday's announcement on this year's Blunderdome, you can find the article with more info on the event here. The short version...

8 Games, 3 models. An Interview with the True King of Kansas City

The GW Kansas City Open has come and gone, and one true Champion showed up with an off-the-wall army that captured my attention immediately. One of our Discord Patrons was on the scene, and so I deputized them to...