
[AOS] Competitive Innovations in the Mortal Realms: 2025-03-18

Things are quieting down a bit as Adepticon creeps ever closer, but we're back this week with 3 smaller AOS events from around the world.

Skaventide by Gary Kloster – The Goonhammer Review

The novel Skaventide by Gary Kloster launches the line into 4th edition, accompanying the likewise-named starter box; Saelfe reviews it for us today.

Darkoath by Chris Thursten – The Goonhammer Review

Saelfe reviews Darkoath, by Chris Thursten, which carries on the story of the Brand Oathsworn tribe introduced during the final book of the Dawnbringers series.

Age of Sigmar Lore Explainer: Skaven

You always knew you were chosen-chosen.  Even when scratching around in the slave pits you felt the Horned One’s eyes on you. Great plans. Better things. Now look at you.  Ascendent.  Chosen for battle in your race’s finest hour. A...

Competitive Innovations in the Mortal Realms: 2024-12-11

Welcome to Competitive Innovations, our weekly feature for a number of game lines across the tabletop wargame space. Each week our army list and tactics experts canvass the top tournaments for their game of specialty, looking at the week’s...

[AOS] Competitive Innovations in the Mortal Realms: 2024-11-11

Welcome to Competitive Innovations, our weekly feature for a number of game lines across the tabletop wargame space. Each week our army list and tactics experts canvass the top tournaments for their game of specialty, looking at the week’s...

[AOS] Competitive Innovations in the Mortal Realms: Some Tricks, Some Treats

Welcome to Competitive Innovations, our weekly feature for a number of game lines across the tabletop wargame space. Each week our army list and tactics experts canvass the top tournaments for their game of specialty, looking at the week’s...

[AOS] Competitive Innovations in the Mortal Realms: The More Things Change…

Welcome to Competitive Innovations, our weekly feature for a number of game lines across the tabletop wargame space. Each week our army list and tactics experts canvass the top tournaments for their game of specialty, looking at the week’s...

Age of Sigmar Faction Focus: Skaven

Skaven have always been a favorite faction in Age of Sigmar and even in fantasy before it. For the first time though they are the main antagonists of this edition’s story with a massive launch to show for it....

Age of Sigmar Skaven Armies and Regiments of Renown – The Goonhammer Review

Or Rats of Renown, if you will. Many thanks to Games Workshop for providing us with an advanced preview copy of the new Skaven Battletome to review. Please note: The Battletome doesn’t come with printed points and this obviously limits...