site news

The Goonhammer Open US Page is live!

Hi everyone, if you're looking for information about the Goonhammer Open US event coming up, we've now got a page for that live on the site. Included on that page are downloadable packets for the Narrative and GT events,...

Start Competing: Chaos Space Marines Updated!

You may have noticed the new publish dates on some of our Start Competing articles for Chaos Space Marines. In light of the recent FAQs and more list results, we've gone ahead and updated the following articles, mostly to...

The Goonhammer Open USA – Tickets on Sale now!

On Wednesday we announced the Goonhammer Open USA. Today, tickets for the Narrative Crusade and the Grand Tournament are available via Eventbrite. You can look forward to: A 6-Round, 50 player grand tournament played on Vanguard Tactics Terrain. A...

Goonhammer’s Age of Sigmar 3.0 Coverage

Age of Sigmar 3.0 is almost here and starting this week we'll be covering the new rules and the brand new Dominion boxed set featuring the Age of Sigmar 3.0 rulebook. There's a ton to cover, and rather than...

We’ve updated the How to Paint Everything Series Page!

Hey everyone, quick update - we've updated our landing page for the How to Paint Everything series, adding a bunch of articles that had previously not been on the page for uh... reasons. Anyways, now that we've completed this...

Thank you to our Patrons – May 2021

It’s the end of another month and so time to do one of my favorite posts – giving thanks to all of our wonderful Patrons. April 2021 was a huge month for us - our second largest month ever,...

New Pages for Reviews!

Hi everyone, we've been doing some maintenance work behind the scenes to improve the site recently and make things a little easier to find. As part of that, we've made it easier to find our reviews. Check the navigation...

The Goonhammer Open UK – tickets on sale now!

Yesterday we announced the first Goonhammer Open. Today, you can buy tickets via Eventbrite - there's 64 places and we look forward to seeing you there for: 6 games of 2000pt competitive 40k; Played on Vanguard Tactics terrain; Streaming...

Thank You to Our Patrons – April 2021

It's the end of another month and so time to do one of my favorite posts - giving thanks to all of our wonderful Patrons. March 2021 was a huge month for us and while we're continually amazed and...

Welcome to GOONHAMMER ’96

Welcome, dear reader! We're always conflicted about April Fool's Day (April 1) - on the one hand, it's always fun to mix things up and do something different. On the other hand, we already have the ability to write humor...