site news

Coming Tomorrow: The New Tabletop Battles App Beta

We announced back in the spring that we'd acquired the ITC Battles App, the premier app for tracking games of Competitive 40k. Well we're extremely proud to announce that we're re-launching the app with a new name. Starting tomorrow,...

The 2022 US Goonhammer Open Player Packs

Hello there, Dear Reader! Many of you have asked us "where the hell is the player pack for the GHO US?" and we're happy to tell you that it is finally ready! Whether you're in the GT or the...

40kstats – The Faction Pages Update

We relaunched the 40kstats website a few weeks ago and if you thought that was the end of it, you were dead wrong. And frankly, a little bit rude. We've been hard at work behind the scenes on updates...

Welcome to the new 40kstats

Last week we told you there was a new 40kstats coming and this week we're proud to announce that the new 40kstats is here! Click the link below to head over to the new site, which features more data...

Goonhammer, 40kstats, and the ITC Battles App

You may have noticed that over the last few months here at Goonhammer we've been really invested in tracking stats and tournament results. We've been working hard at ramping up our efforts on that front, adding additional Competitive Innovations...

The Goonhammer Malifaux Page is Live!

We started our regular coverage of Malifaux earlier this year and since then we've covered the game's basics and every one of its factions. While there's still more to write about it, we thought we might collect everything done...

Goonhammer on the Road to Games Workshop’s US Open 2022 Series

On Friday Games Workshop announced their US Open Events series for 2022, with tournaments for 40k (competitive and Crusade), Age of Sigmar, and Kill Team, with some events also hosting tournaments for Blood Bowl, Horus Heresy, and Warhammer Underworlds....

Reminder: Go Answer the Goonhammer 2022 Reader Survey!

The 2022 Goonhammer Reader Survey is now available! Just a reminder - today is your LAST DAY to answer our 2022 reader survey. We've already received thousands of responses and tons of feedback, causing James "Boon" Kelling to lose his...

Goonhammer is Selling Out!

That’s right, folks we’re selling out. It was only a matter of time, really. Over the next few weeks you may notice some new developments on the site. Or not notice them, depending on how you’ve approached “supporting Goonhammer financially”...

Welcome to the New Goonhammer

Welcome, Dear Reader. You may have noticed a few changes around here. We've been furiously working on updating the site over the last few weeks, trying to get something that looks like an actual website. Also, we've made it...