
Star Wars: Shatterpoint – Clone Force 99 Squad Pack Review

Today’s article features a deep cut in the Star Wars universe. Specifically, we’re looking at the Clone Force 99 Squad Pack provided by Atomic Mass Games for review. This expansion features a group of clones more commonly known as...

Star Wars: Shatterpoint and Legion – Adepticon Roadmap Stream Wrap-Up

All screencaps taken from the AMG panel stream run by the Professional Casual Network. PCN does a ton of work supporting the Shatterpoint community, so please check them out on Twitch and YouTube.  Star Wars: Shatterpoint Atomic Mass Games kicked off...

Star Wars: Shatterpoint – Fistful of Credits Squad Pack Review

Finally, there is a squad pack to fill in the gray area in the Star Wars universe. The Fistful of Credits squad pack brings some of the most ruthless bounty hunters to Star Wars: Shatterpoint and we inch closer to...

Shatterpoint Terrain Talk Showcase: Esk

Welcome to the Terrain Showcase, where we share table setups for Star Wars Shatterpoint. Our aim is to help fuel your creativity, find ideas, and get useful tips for creating your next battlefield adventure. Introducing Esk Terrain Used: 2 Core Set...

How to Paint Everything: Shatterpoint We Are Brave

Shatterpoint has some fabulous miniatures, but there are a few that people can find very intimidating to tackle, and the box that has been mentioned again and again in this light is We Are Brave. From the transitions on...

Shatterpoint Terrain Talk Showcase: Dorn

Welcome to the Terrain Showcase, where we share table setups for Star Wars Shatterpoint. Our aim is to help fuel your creativity, find ideas, and get useful tips for creating your next battlefield adventure. Introducing Dorn Terrain Used: Core Set, High...

Shatterpoint Terrain Talk Showcase: Cherek

Welcome to the Terrain Showcase, where we share table setups for Star Wars Shatterpoint. We aim to help fuel your creativity, find ideas, and get useful tips for creating your next battlefield adventure. Introducing Cherek Terrain Used: Core Set and High...

Star Wars Shatterpoint: Sabotage Showdown Mission Pack Review

Star Wars: Shatterpoint is a game in a period of rapid expansion. Not only have we a plethora of new squad boxes, but there are plenty more on the slate for the next six months, including our first look...

Star Wars Shatterpoint: How to Build Your List

So you’ve played a few games using the contents of the Core Set and are looking to take your Star Wars Shatterpoint experience to the next level? Want to build some of the cool combos you’ve got in your...

Star Wars Shatterpoint: Terrain Talk #1

Building Your Versatile Galactic Arena As a fervent enthusiast of Star Wars and miniature gaming, we know that the battleground is as crucial as the heroes who grace it. The terrain in Star Wars Shatterpoint isn't just a passive observer;...