Goonhammer Historicals: Wargames Atlantic Foot Knights

Fresh out of the Foundries of Wargames Atlantic comes the Foot Knights (1150-1320) plastic boxed set, providing 24 highly detailed plastic Knights in a versatile kit that should prove to be a mainstay of Medieval gaming. I was bloody...

Goonhammer Historicals: Mugginns’ Road to AdeptiCon 2023

It is that time of year again! Three weeks left to AdeptiCon and I'm still grinding through a huge project. This year I'm helping to run the 2nd Annual Lard America gathering at AdeptiCon on Friday and Saturday, playing...

Goonhammer Historicals: Mugginns’ AdeptiCon 2022 Experience – Bolt Action, Lard America, SAGA

I got back from AdeptiCon 2022 last Tuesday night and wanted to share all my experiences, purchases, and photos taken! I spent most of my time in the Historicals hall at the Hyatt Regency, but much of my time...

Goonhammer Historicals: SAGA review

We're diving back through the mists of time today, to talk about SAGA 2nd Edition, a wargame from Studio Tomahawk, and exclusively distributed in English by Gripping Beast. It's probably best known for the Viking Age setting that it...