Making Medieval Terrain: A Village in the East Part 2

Lenoon's village building project continues with hills, trees, a well and a big ol' obelisk

Goonhammer Historicals Review: Wargames Atlantic Foot Serjeants (1100-1320)

Today we’re looking at the third box in Wargames Atlantic’s The Age of Chivalry line, the Foot Serjeants!

Making Medieval Terrain: A Village in the East Part 1

2025 kicks off a major terrain making project for Goonhammer Historicals in Western Egypt

Goonhammer Historicals: Victrix Islamic Infantry Review

You're minding your own business in the middle of a Golden age of science, art, discovery, literature, medicine and bickering between city states when suddenly, as if out of nowhere, a ton of unwashed, illiterate and frankly barbaric Franks...

Goonhammer Historicals: Victrix Rus Miniatures Review and Pagan Rus SAGA Warband

A big thank you to Victrix for supplying a bag of their new Pagan Rus minis alongside a transfer sheet of Little Big Men Studio shield transfers for review. It's not summer anymore technically but it's always SAGA Summer...

Goonhammer Historicals: SAGA Age Overview – Age of Crusades (Bonus 2024 FAQ Content!)

Your tabard hangs wet around your shoulders, heavy with sweat and blood. The final rays of sunlight can barely be seen, blocked out by the vast trees looming around you. The last of your brothers died in the ambush...

Goonhammer Historicals: The Barons’ War Conquest Review

It’s time to strap on your kite shield, call up your mercenaries and unfurl the papal banner - there’s a half-wild land over the sea and only The Bastard can tame it! We’re moving from the 13th to the...

Goonhammer Historicals: Bandua Age of Vikings Terrain

With SAGA Summer in full swing, we've covered how to build, play and paint warbands. For everyone diving in to a new period - or if we've finally convinced you to pick up Historicals (welcome, it's great isnt it?)...

Variety is the Spice of SAGA: The Book of Battles

One of the great joys of historical wargaming is the huge potential variety of scenarios, both balanced and extremely not that present themselves. In this respect, the single scenario in the main SAGA rulebook is, shall we say, slightly...

Starting SAGA: Building a One Kit Anglo-Saxon Warband

Can you make a good Saga warband out of one box? Variance Hammer Eric picks up some Saxons and gets going!