
Magic: the Gathering Double Masters Set Review

With the full spoiler out now for Wizards of the Coast’s newest reprint set, Double Masters, we thought we’d take a look at the set as a whole and talk about its impact on constructed formats, including Commander, and...

The 40K Spring FAQ That Might Happen – A Goonhammer Roundtable ft. Richard Siegler

With the Coronavirus pandemic leading to many states and countries enacting quarantine or shelter-in-place laws that have stretched over multiple months now, we’ve (understandably) seen competitive play for 40k grind to a halt, in part because of FLG’s (correct)...

GW Online Preview 3: A Goonhammer Roundtable

Saturday 18th April saw the third and final online Games Workshop preview covering the announcements intended for Adepticon in March. Once again, a selection of Games Workshop designers and writers took to Twitch to show off future releases. The...

GW Online Preview, Part 2: The Goonhammer Round Table, Part 2

Following the first ever online Warhammer Preview two weeks ago, Games Workshop and the Warhammer Community Team put on a second online preview this past Saturday, featuring more of the reveals they had planned for Adepticon and other conventions. If...

Hobbying At Competitive Events Roundtable

Now that we sit in our COVID-19 induced isolation hobby has become ascendant. Backlogs have been dusted off, paint has been hoarded, and plastic has been primed. So what better time to talk about how hobby plays a role...

Goonhammer Round Table: The February 2020 Space Marines FAQs

Yesterday morning Games Workshop dropped a bombshell on players with the surprise release of a set of FAQs that had a massive impact on the competitive meta. In today's Round Table series, the Goonhammer crew - and guest authors...

Goonhammer Roundtable: The New ITC Rules

Late last week the 40k competitive scene was introduced to a massive change with the publication of the new and updated 2020 ITC Champions Missions, which essentially define the competitive landscape for most of the year's major events. Although...

The Road to LVO: The Post-LVO Goonhammer Roundtable

With another LVO behind us, we thought we’d take a moment to sit down with the Goonhammer authors who attended and get their feedback on the event. UPDATE: Reece Robbins left a thoughtful comment in the comments after the article addressing...