
The Games Workshop NOVA 2022 Preview Roundtable

The Northern Virginia (NOVA) convention is back this year and GW's back at the event, hosting another big reveal to show off upcoming releases for many of its major game systems. As always we've Got Takes about the releases...

ebay Aquires TCGPlayer: The Goonhammer Hot Take

Yesterday eCommerce giant eBay announced it had entered into an agreement to buy rival ecommerce platform TCGPlayer, which specializes in collectible card game products. The deal is expected to close in Q1 2023, and for a total deal value...

Goonhammer Reaction Roundtable: The Wizards Presents 2022 Livestream

On Thursday Wizards of the Coast rolled out its 2022 livestream, showcasing its upcoming Dominaria United set for Magic: the Gathering and previewing a ton of other new products, including a new edition of Dungeons and Dragons and new...

Goonhammer Historicals: Movement Roundtable

Welcome to Historical Roundtables, our regular column where the Goonhammer Historicals team gets together to talk over a particular aspect of historical wargaming. They’ll share their insights, recommendations and warnings about the best way to engage with the hobby....

New Edition of Warmachine Announcement: Goonhammer Reacts!

If you’re a wargamer and you’ve been sleeping you may have missed the blockbuster announcement of a new edition of Warmachine. To be honest though, it’s not just the announcement of a new edition - there are a whole...

Goonhammer Historicals: Scale Roundtable

Welcome to Historical Roundtables, our regular column where the Goonhammer Historicals team gets together to talk over a particular aspect of historical wargaming. They’ll share their insights, recommendations and warnings about the best way to engage with the hobby....

July 2022 Skirmish Preview Stream Roundtable

Games Workshop dropped a big Skirmish Preview yesterday, giving us an hour of spicy previews for some of their boxed games. And as usual, our authors are here to talk about what was shown off, what it means, and...

The Goonhammer Nephilim Round Table, Part 2

Alright, gang - this is it: We finally have the (almost) complete picture of Nephilim. That is, we have: The GT missions pack  The June 2022 points update The Q3...

The Horus Heresy Previews Roundtable

Last week Games Workshop revealed the true extent of the new edition of Horus Heresy: Age of Darkness and in the time since they've been going hard on previews and showing off what's coming for the game. In this...

Goonhammer Historicals: Activation Roundtable

Welcome to Historical Roundtables, our regular column where the Goonhammer Historicals team gets together to talk over a particular aspect of historical wargaming. They’ll share their insights, recommendations and warnings about the best way to engage with the hobby....