Road to

Lenoon’s Road to Austerlitz, Part 1: Some Corsican Guy

Surprisingly, for someone with a love for Historicals gaming, and far too many abandoned projects in more or less every game goonhammer covers, I've never picked up Napoleonics. There's a good few reasons for this - the whole period...

TheChirurgeon’s Road Through 2021, Part 15: The GW Austin Open, Part 1

Welcome back, Dear Reader, to my ongoing quest to achieve some level of competitive respectability in Warhammer 40,000. Last week I talked about padding out my ITC resume by playing a practice event at the Empire Central RTT down in...

TheChirurgeon’s Road Through 2021, Part 14: The Empire Central RTT

Welcome back, Dear Reader, to my ongoing quest to achieve some level of competitive respectability in Warhammer 40,000. Last week I played two practice games against Dan (or "Swiftblade" as he's known on the Goonhammer Patron Discord), splitting the series....

TheChirurgeon’s Road Through 2021, Part 13: Practicing Against Drukhari

Welcome back, Dear Reader, to my ongoing quest to achieve some level of competitive respectability in Warhammer 40,000. Last week I waxed philosophical about traveling with minis, played an Incursion game, then eked out a narrow win against the Deathwatch...

Contemptor Kevin’s Road to the West 4: Bon Tempes, Beignets, and Bad Listbuilding PART 2

"Contemptor" Kevin Stillman's write-up of his experiences at the Games Workshop US Open tournament continues this week as he recaps his Saturday games. If you missed his previous update, you can find it here. D. Saturday Up at 6:00 am to...

TheChirurgeon’s Road Through 2021, Part 11: Building a Practice Table, then Losing on it

Welcome back, Dear Reader, to my ongoing (mis)adventures in the journey toward competitive respectability. It's been a long road so far, with three GTs on the books and one more scheduled event to go - though now I'm starting...

Contemptor Kevin’s Road to the West 3: Bon Tempes, Beignets, and Bad Listbuilding PART 1

Last time around Contemptor Kevin's Road to the West saw him doing some last-minute preparation for the Games Workshop US Open event in New Orleans. This week he's talking about his experiences at the event itself, including his games. A....

The Corroad Goes Ever On and On: LGT RTT and Cadian Catastrophe

Last time out I had just played in the FactoruM July GT and was looking to get another event in and some more practice for LGT. As it happened I neither got another tournament in the books nor did I...

TheChirurgeon’s Road Through 2021, Part 10: The GW New Orleans Open, Part 2 (of 2)

Welcome back, Dear Reader! Yesterday I covered the first four games of my experiences at the Games Workshop Open Grand Tournament in New Orleans. When we last left off, a rough game with some terrain misplays had left me...

TheChirurgeon’s Road Through 2021, Part 9: The GW New Orleans Open, Part 1 (of 2)

This is it, Dear Reader! After several more weeks of meandering posts talking about my practice games and hemming and hawing about daemon princes and bloat-drones and chaos lords, it was finally time to Put up or Shut up...