Road to

Colin’s Road to the US Open Seattle – Part 1 – I Have Almost No Idea What I’m Doing But It’ll Be a Lot...

When Games Workshop announced their US Open locations and dates, I was firmly on the sidelines of 40k. I wasn't playing very often at all, and the last organized event I had been to was in August of 2021...

SRM’s Road to The US Open Seattle Part 4: Here Comes Thiccness

Full disclosure: I think "Touch Me I'm Sick" is a better Mudhoney song than "Here Comes Sickness", but if I title an article "Touch Me I'm Thicc" Rob probably won't let me write anymore. SRM's Road to the Roadshow: US...

SRM’s Road to The US Open Seattle Part 3: Templar of the Dog

I don't actually have a clever tie-in for this stupid pun title, but Goonhammer Patron Dnoonan said it and I'd be remiss to look a gift pun in the mouth. Honestly? I'm just mad I didn't come up with...

TheChirurgeon’s Road Through 2022, Part 7: Crusade Weekend

Welcome back, Dear Reader! It's only been a couple of days since my previous article on my progress through 2022, but I felt it was worth writing a quick update before this weekend, when I'll be going to the...

SRM’s Road to The US Open Seattle Part 2: Negative (Codex) Creep

I have been, in the parlance of better players, "getting my reps in". Normally this is something people do for competitive events, not Crusade or narrative ones, but I don't want to get absolutely owned. This is also something...

The Revenge of Adepticon Part 3 – Smaller Wars – Necromunda: Dark Uprising and Kill Team Tournament

As I write there are now only three weeks remaining before Adepticon kicks off and my excitement is about to boil over, IT'S ALL I CAN THINK ABOUT! Shortly after I declared my painting goals for the convention I...

SRM’s Road to The US Open Seattle Part 1: Black (Templar) Hole Sun

I am, in a word, adrift. My podcast is currently on pause, as Dan "Badcast" Boyd is exploring the wonders and terrors of being a new father. My ongoing Imperium review series is somewhat in flux due to the...

TheChirurgeon’s Road Through 2022, Part 5: Aeldari March Madness

Welcome back, Dear Reader, to my ongoing (mis)adventures in competitive 40k. In my last article I attended the February Asgard RTT and again went 2-1, losing my first game to Custodes. I finally brought my Thousand Sons to their...

The Revenge of Adepticon, Part 2 – The Warhammer 40K Friendly

TheArmorofContempt is on the warpath, headed for Adepticon after two consecutive years of cancellation. If you missed part 1 of his series, you can find it here.  One of the best aspects of Adepticon is that there is basically an...

Goonhammer on the Road to Games Workshop’s US Open 2022 Series

On Friday Games Workshop announced their US Open Events series for 2022, with tournaments for 40k (competitive and Crusade), Age of Sigmar, and Kill Team, with some events also hosting tournaments for Blood Bowl, Horus Heresy, and Warhammer Underworlds....