Road to

Ilor’s Road to Gencon Part 2: Crouching Gwailo, Hidden Sphinx

The preparation for the ITS After Dark event at GenCon continues, this time taking a look at two of the heaviest hitters for the Shasvastii Expeditionary Force: the Gwailo heavy infantry and the fearsome Sphinx TAG. Right, so when I...

Ilor’s Road to GenCon Part 1: I Guess We’re Doing This

As a long-time RPG player, GenCon is one of the high points of my year. Every August I look forward to getting together with friends - both new and old - and gaming my brains out for four days...

Kings of War: The Road to ConVic22 Part Two

G’day Goonhammer readers! With now less than 3 months until the most prestigious of Kings of War tournaments to be held in the southern Australian state of Victoria, we (Urr and Cytoplasm) have been busy. There has been no...

Lenoon’s Road to Austerlitz 7: it’s about what you do with it

I feel like most of these articles have followed the same basic pattern: Have idea Do idea Realise I was wrong about idea on some level But not this time! Well, not to the same extent anyway, because I really feel like I've...

SRM’s Road to The US Open Seattle Part 7: Grot Me Wrong

I'm not gonna say "I was wrong" or "I accidentally lied" as a lead-in here because that feels underhanded. I already have your click and no longer need to bait you. Instead, I'll spell it out in terms both...

TheChirurgeon’s Road Through 2022, Part 11: The Seattle Open

Welcome back, Dear Reader, to my ongoing trudge through the year 2022 toward some measure of competitive decency. You may recall that my last update was only a week ago, in which I regaled everyone with my tales of...

Lenoon’s Road to Austerlitz 6: Geldings in the Name Of

Breaking News: Napoleon is Dead This urgent update interrupts your scheduled rambles about horses. As we go to press it is May 5th, 2022. Napoleon has been dead for 101 years and we would like to mark this solemn occasion...

TheChirurgeon’s Road Through 2022, Part 10: Fast Times at the Dallas Open

Welcome back, Dear Reader, to my ongoing (mis)adventures on the road to competitive respectability in the 2022 ITC season. In my previous article, I was wrapping up practice games and frantically painting for the Dallas Open. This time, I'm...

Colin’s Road to the US Open Seattle Part 3 – Am I Organized or Am I Coping? Maybe Both?

Last post before the Big Show! I'm excited. Thursday I'll be flying to the largest wargaming event I've ever attended, which is pretty cool. I feel good about my list and am about as well organized as I get...

TheChirurgeon’s Road Through 2022, Part 9: Final Prep for the Dallas Open

Hello, Dear Reader, and welcome back to my ongoing blog series where I talk about my path through another year of Warhammer 40k. Last time I talked about taking my Thousand Sons to another RTT. That went alright, but...