
Crusade: Catastrophe – The Goonhammer Review

As we’ve become accustomed to with the release of a new Warzone Campaign Book, Games Workshop have also released a new Crusade book. Crusade: Catastrophe acts as a companion to the new book, building on some of the themes...

Kill Team Chalnath Narrative Play Rules Review

This past weekend we talked about the box contents and new kill team rules in Kill Team Chalnath, showcasing the exciting new Sororitas Novitates and Pathfinders kill teams. Today we're looking at the other, less-heralded rules in the box:...

Dracula’s America: Shadows of the West

It is 1875, and Count Dracula is president of the United States of America Boy, what a tagline! For this very special Halloween review I’m taking a look at what might be one the best skirmish games out there. Written...

Kill Team Chalnath Review: Novitate Sororitas Kill Teams

Kill Team Chalnath gives us two brand-new kill teams: Pathfinder Kill Teams, which consist of the older unit updated with a new upgrade sprue, and the all-new Novitate Sororitas Kill Team, featuring a unit of all new models. The...

Kill Team Chalnath Review: Pathfinder Kill Teams

Kill Team Chalnath gives us two brand-new kill teams, and while the Sisters kill team is made of all-new models, the T'au kill team continues the trend we've seen in recent issues of White Dwarf, giving us an updated,...

Trip Report: A Visit to the Los Angeles Warhammer Cafe

I like my hobby stores like I like my dive bars: As spaces that have grown their character organically over the years. I like looking at a rack of minis and finding old, forgotten blisters that no one would...

Battle Reports in Warhammer+: A Casual Player’s Review

I'll be straight up: I don't like most video battle reports. They tend to be poorly lit, laden with stock music, presented by uncharismatic hosts sitting too close to their microphones, and longer than your average Marvel movie. In...

Model Review: The Black Templars Army Box

As Goonhammer's resident Black Templars Guy, I was champing at the bit to get my zealous mits on the new Black Templars Army Set. Fortunately, Games Workshop was generous enough to hook Goonhammer up with a preview copy, and...

Terrain Review: Venetian Quarter by TTCombat

In this review, Mike takes a look at the Venetian Quarter, created by TTCombat as he continues his journey under the Rent in the Sky. This isn’t the first time we’ve visited the strange Venice created by the designers at...

Not-Commander Secret Lair: Stranger Things

Late last week Wizards revealed cards from the next "Universes Beyond" release, this time focused on the Netflix series Stranger Things. If you're starting to feel fatigue from the sheer volume of new Magic releases well, you're not alone. Today we'll...