
Wargames Atlantic Skeleton Cavalry and Chariot Review

When Lenoon messaged me to review a kit from Wargames Atlantic I thought for a few minutes that he was finally tricking me into Historical Wargaming. Instead, and much to my relief, he asked if I'd review their skeleton...

Goonhammer Historicals: The Maus that Roared – Introducing Clash of Steel

Wake up friendos; tank combat just got tankier. In the world of Clash of Steel, the new release from Gale Force Nine, it’s 1948 and The War has picked up where it left off - and there’s no room...

Free Folk and Night’s Watch – S04 Review – ASOIAF: TMG

A Song of Ice and Fire: The Miniatures Game Season 4 has been out for a while now, and people have flooded to the game to try out the new changes. After letting things settle and the initial reactions...

War of the North – A Hits and Crits ASOIAF: TMG Season 4 Event

War of the North, the first big ASOIAF: TMG event, took place in Hamburg on February 10th-11th and was hosted by Hits and Crits. We sat down with Chris and Dennis from the Hits and Crits Team and discussed...

Starks and Lannisters – S04 Review – ASOIAF: TMG

A Song of Ice and Fire: The Miniatures Game Season 4 has been out for a few weeks now, and people have flooded to the game to try out the new changes. After letting things settle and the initial reactions digest, we will begin our review of S.04 and how much it will impact the game for the next 6 months.

FutureProof Modular Terrain: Timeless Like RoboCop, or Eternal Shame Like RoboCop 3? – The Goonhammer Review

FutureProof Modular Terrain is hot on Kickstarter. Check out our hands-on review (feat. RoboCop references, for some reason).

Artis Opus Series S – A Brush with Greatness

I like big brush and I cannot lie. Specifically, Artis Opus Series S brushes. But what's to love about these brushes, and why have they become must-haves in the hobby toolkit for some of us here at the Goonhammer Corporate...

Artis Opus – Series M: Designed for Minis

Brushes are the most important tool in a painter's arsenal, and there are a lot of them out there. In particular there are a lot of shapes and styles. The Artis Opus Series S, reviewed by us here, represents...

ASOIAF Community Spotlight: Hits and Crits

New Series Alert! This is the first article in a new series where we sit down with members of the community and get to know them on a new level. From where they have come from, to what they...

Model Review: Flesh Eater Courts and Sekhar

A whole bunch of new Age of Sigmar models go up for pre-order today, both a huge wave of reinforcements for the Flesh Eater Courts and a new hero for Soulblight Gravelords. Games Workshop sent us review copies of these,...