
Lots to Obsess Over – Psychic Awakening Phoenix Rising Review Part 3: Drukhari

In part three of our review of the new Psychic Awakening, Phoenix Rising (PA:PR) we take a look at the new rules updates for The Reborn. If you missed it, please see Raf Cordero’s excellent review of the story...

Age of Sigmar Review: Orruk Warclans

Released alongside Cities of Sigmar, the Orruk Warclans book feels like it has a very similar agenda to its sister book. Both books had an intended goal of consolidating some disparate factions into one location. The difference here is...

Third Time’s a Charm? – Psychic Awakening Phoenix Rising Review Part 2: The Ynnari

In part two of our review of the new Psychic Awakening, Phoenix Rising (PA:PR) we take a look at the new rules updates for The Reborn. If you missed it, please see Raf Cordero's excellent review of the story...

An Alliance Cracks, a Demon Thirsts – Psychic Awakening Phoenix Rising Review Part 1: The Lore

Warhammer 40k's 8th Edition brought with it an advancing of the storyline by about 100 years. According to a recent Voxcast we'll be spending some time over the next few years exploring this era. Across the galaxy, psychic-sensitive beings...

Age of Sigmar Review: Cities of Sigmar

It’s been a long and tumultuous road but finally, The Empire has risen again with an actual battletome in Age of Sigmar. The short version is that Cities of Sigmar is a combination of most of the Empire (called...

The Mountain is Open, and It’s Hungry – Warhammer Underworlds: Beastgrave Review

It's been 2 years since Games Workshop released Warhammer Underworlds: Shadespire to widespread acclaim. Shadespire - a competitive miniatures skirmish game - quickly sold out as players dove headfirst into the Mirrored City looking for glory and shadeglass. Shadespire released with...

Codex Supplement: Iron Hands – The Goonhammer Review

The Iron Hands, who are they? Don't worry if you've forgotten - until recently, it seemed like Games Workshop had too. All that's changed now though. Following the release of the recent Codex: Space Marines, the Iron Hands have...

Codex Supplement: Raven Guard – The Goonhammer Review

Additional author: Robert "TheChirurgeon" Jones Fans of teen angst rejoice! Fresh out of the local Hot Topic and bursting into your room through an open window wearing their finest Thursday t-shirts, the Raven Guard have arrived! In the second wave...

Forge World Custodes – The Goonhammer Hot Take

Alongside the new Custodes Ares Gunship, Games Workshop have surprised everyone by dropping some finalized rules for the rest of the Forge World Custodes range. Today, Jack dives into them to explore how they change the usability of these...

Codex Space Marines – The Goonhammer Review – Part 4: Forge World

Welcome back to the final leg of this marathon review of Codex: Space Marines. In case you missed the other sections, you can find them here: Part 1: Army Rules and faction traits Part 2: Units Part 3: Powers, Warlord Traits, and...