
Rank, Flank and Fire: A Song of Ice and Fire Miniatures Game

  Remember for a moment that Game of Thrones was five seasons of the best television ever produced. A Song of Ice and Fire Miniatures is an amazing miniatures game, marketed abysmally. When I bought in, I did so entirely at...

Age of Sigmar 3rd Edition: A 40K Player’s Review

This review is based off a preview copy of Dominion provided by Games Workshop. It's fair to say that at any give moment my brain is veritably crammed with 40K-related thoughts, and has been pretty much continously since the release...

Mass Effect 2 Legendary Edition: The Dirty Dozen, for the Dozenth Time

I’ve now completed Mass Effect 2 for either the seventh or the eighth time, and I have some thoughts on the matter. First, the occasion: we’re going through all three of the original Mass Effect games in their remastered form,...

Cadian Shock Troops: Unboxing and Painting

Goonhammer was provided with a review sample of this product by Games Workshop. One of the nice surprises from a recent GW preview was the annoucnement of a new Cadian Shock Troop box, with a new upgrade sprue designed to...

A Review of Magic’s Modern Horizons 2, Timeshifted, but not: Multicolor and Colorless

Welcome back to part two of our Modern Horizons 2 set review for Commander. In last week's part 1 we took a look at the set's monocolor cards - you can find that here - while yesterday we looked...

Necromunday: Hive War Review

Howdy scummers! So you’ve taken a peek at our How to Play Necromunda article and you’re ready to jump into the underhive… what now? With the release of Hive War, our advice for where to start has gotten a...

Unpacking the Grand Tournament 2021 Missions Pack – What Changed?

Well here we are nearly one year into 9th edition Warhammer 40,000 and Games Workshop has released a second iteration of its annual Grand Tournament Missions Pack. The GT 2020 pack was an interesting change of strategy for Games...

Paint Review: DarkStar Molten Metals

If you’ve ever painted any miniatures you’ve probably used some metallic paint. If you paint Chaos Space Marines or Titanicus titans then you probably spend more than half of your painting time doing metallic trim and you’ve probably googled...

Codex: Dark Angels Crusade Rules Review

Codex: Dark Angels dropped last week and while there are lots of incredibly strong rules in it for competitive play, we’re also just as pumped about the book’s Crusade rules. In this review, we’re going to talk about the...

No Painting Needed – TinkerTurf Terrain Fills out a Table Quickly

Like many of us, the folks behind TinkerTurf were tired of using books and soda cans as the battlegrounds fought over by their wonderfully painted miniatures. Also like many of us, sitting down to a terrain project never made...