
Star Wars: Armada – Separatist Fleet Unboxing and Review Part 1

Summer saying hi again. I’m here to make Bair happy by jabbering about Separatist ships. Specifically, I’ll be unboxing and reviewing the Separatist collection over two articles. The whole thing. War! – “The Jedi will be overwhelmed.” First, my gratitude and...

A Revolution in Drybrushing: Artis Opus Series D

Ah the humble drybrush. For most of us a drybrush was not a brush you purchased, so much as a brush that was made when your regular painting brush became frayed from use or lack of maintenance. There were...

Wargames Atlantic – The Damned: The Goonhammer Review

Wargames Atlantic and Miniwargaming have a plan ambitious almost to the point of madness - a multi-kit, multi-part, plastic, 8+ box set full release for their Death Fields range, all at once. Building from their experience in plastic production,...

The Goonhammer Review: The 10th Edition Munitorum Field Manual (Xenos)

Thanks to marines being bad for most of the edition, 9th edition made it a very good time to be a Xenos player - every single Xenos race got to spend some time at the top of the tournament...

The Goonhammer Review: The 10th Edition Rules Commentary

Like Poirot, we turn to the camera for just one last thing, capping off all the Index rules you’ve been greedily devouring this week. Games Workshop have published the rules Glossary for 10th Edition, promoting this from a (welcome)...

The Goonhammer Review: The 10th Edition T’au Empire Index

The Tau Empire have been a lot of things the last few editions: oppressive boogeymen, then a laughingstock, then oppressive again in three or four different ways, and then a mid-tier army that can still get some good hits...

The Goonhammer Review: The 10th Edition Adeptus Custodes Index

The vigil of the Adeptus Custodes never ceases, and it's time for the Ten Thousand to enter Tenth Edition. Their Index has been published today, so it's time to find out how they're shaping up in the new world. This...

The Goonhammer Review: The 10th Edition Dark Angels Index

Welcome to the mysterious, gloomy land of the Dark Angels, one of the most enigmatic and complex factions in the renowned Warhammer 40,000 universe. Players are drawn to the mysterious, labyrinthine depths of The Dark Angels by their seductive...

Rochela – Portable Painting Studio Review

Thanks to Bandua Wargames for providing us with the Rochela - Portable Painting Studio (79,95 €) for review.   I love assembling MDF terrain; it’s the simple joy of covering my work surfaces and hands in wood glue whilst building something...

Goonhammer Reviews Warhammer 40,000 10th Edition – Part 1: The Core Rules

You’ve been waiting for months, and it’s finally here: the tenth Edition of 40k. Promising a simplified (but not necessary simple) rules framework, more clarity than ever, and a complete overhaul of unit rules, this new edition is poised...