Raven Guard

Competitive Innovations in 9th: Queensland Masters and End-of-Year Thoughts

What a year it's been. A horrible, terrible, no good year full of plague. Sorry, you're meant to start this sort of thing on a positive note. Well. Competitive Innovations has become one of my favourite parts of working on...

Start Competing: Raven Guard Tactics

The stealthy killers of the Raven Guard have always had their dedicated fans but have, rather appropriately, kept to the shadows for much of the history of 40K. That changed in a big way with the release of the...

Competitive Innovations in 9th: Västerås Autumn Bash

It's been a wild, wild weekend in many ways, with the updated Forge World Compendium and two new Marine Supplements previewed, guaranteeing we've got further metagame shakeups to come in the next few weeks. Some competitive Forge World staples...

October 2020 FAQ Update Review – Raven Guard

In advance of the upcoming release of Codex: Space Marines and as promised, Games Workshop dropped a massive FAQ update on us today (remember when we said fifteen books needed FAQs? Turns out it was more). There's a lot...

The Horus Heresy – Legion Overview – The Raven Guard

The Space Marine Legions of the First Founding make up the core factions and conflict of the Horus Heresy. In this article, the twelfth in our series, we have to strike a match and peer into the shadows, hunting...

The Goonhammer Hot Take: Space Marines FAQs

Holy crap. Just when we were starting to think that GW wasn't interested in revising Space Marines again, they drop a bombshell on us with a massive new set of FAQs and errata that completely change everything about the faction. OK,...

One_Wing’s Tournament Report – Winter Warfare 2020

Last week we went through my games at Beachhead Brawl, but the UK tournament calendar is getting ever more stacked and there's no rest for those of us who want to bring you exciting stories of tabletop warfare. This...

Hammer of Math: Quick Hits, 2/17/2020

This week we're going to answer a few questions from the questionnaire form! Please keep sending us ideas, they're always incredibly helpful. This time we're going to catch up on the Raven Guard and refurbished Black Templar options for...

Psychic Awakening II: Faith and Fury Review, Part 2: Space Marines

Warhammer 40k’s 8th Edition brought with it an advancing of the storyline by about 100 years. According to a recent Voxcast we’ll be spending some time over the next few years exploring this era. Across the galaxy, psychic-sensitive beings...

Tournament Preview – Three Cool Lists from Seeds of Destruction

Tournament season is back! For whatever reason, the months of October and November are extremely densely packed with events in the UK calendar, so just like last year it's time for a wild ride of events through to Christmas,...