
The Games Workshop NOVA 2022 Preview Roundtable

The Northern Virginia (NOVA) convention is back this year and GW's back at the event, hosting another big reveal to show off upcoming releases for many of its major game systems. As always we've Got Takes about the releases...

Chaos Gate: Daemonhunters First Impressions

The fine folks over at Frontier and Complex Games invited us in for a special sneak peek at their new game, the mouthful of a title that is Warhammer 40,000: Chaos Gate: Daemonhunters. These first impressions are based on...

Clash of Kings 2022 Preview: All Things Arcane!

G’day all. Welcome to a very special sneak preview of Mantic’s Clash of Kings 2022 supplement for Kings of War! First of all, a big thank you to Mantic for providing us with review copies of Clash of Kings...

Lords of the Mortal Realms Roundtable

Last Saturday, Games Workshop dedicated a preview solely to Warhammer: Age of Sigmar and it’s spinoff games, called Lords of the Mortal Realms and it was jam packed with new stuff! In this round table we’re going to be...

The Games Workshop 11/21 Preview Roundtable

Games Workshop continued their strategy of doing digital previews on Saturday with one of their meatiest previews, showing off new models and upcoming releases for 40k, Age of Sigmar, Lord of the Rings, Underworlds, and Necromunda. As unabashed fans...

GW Online Preview 3: A Goonhammer Roundtable

Saturday 18th April saw the third and final online Games Workshop preview covering the announcements intended for Adepticon in March. Once again, a selection of Games Workshop designers and writers took to Twitch to show off future releases. The...

Adeptus Titanicus – Shadow & Iron Review

It’s been a while since Doom of Molech released, and if you’ve been wondering what the AT team has been up to for the last few months, well, prepare to be amazed. Shadow & Iron is jam-packed with new...

Ritual of the Damned Review, Part 2: Grey Knights

Christmas may have been and gone, but for three 40K factions the new year brings its own supply of juicy presents! Psychic Awakening: Ritual of the Damned goes up for pre-order today, and Games Workshop have been kind enough...