path to glory

Battletome Idoneth Deepkin: Path to Glory Review

The Soul Hunt The core defining feature of the faded Aelves known as the Idoneth Deepkin is that they require a steady stream of souls, harvested from unwilling surface dwellers, to maintain their way of life. And (not to put...

Maggotkin Battletome: Path to Glory Review

    Previously we looked at the new Maggotkin of Nurgle Battletome from a more competitive or matched play perspective. Today we look at the Path to Glory rules and how they work in your narrative campaigns.  Your Narrative  Path to Glory is...

Battletome Orruk Warclans: The Path to Glory Rules Review

The new Battleomes for Age of Sigmar third edition don't just come with matched play rules; similar to Crusade in Warhammer 40k, each battletome for Age of Sigmar now also comes with faction-specific Path to Glory rules. We reviewed...

Battletome Stormcast Eternals: The Path to Glory Rules Review

As has been stated many times by me at this point, the first 2 Battletomes of 3.0 offer great insight into what future battletomes will look like. Not only in Matched Play rules, but in Narrative Play as well. We...

Age of Sigmar 3.0: Path to Glory Intro

One of the biggest changes to the Age of Sigmar 3.0 rules is a completely overhauled Narrative Play rules framework. This new system takes the best elements of 40k’s Crusade rules and marries them to some classic Warhammer Fantasy...