
The Fabricator General: Building Battlefleet Gothic Terrain

In our How to Paint Build Everything series we look at how to paint build well, everything. As the Koronus Expanse BFG/40k campaign kicks off we thought we'd discuss how to create the vast devastated worlds, cold gas clouds,...

Goonhammer Hobby Round-up: January 2021 (end of month)

January is over already! Our authors have spent it well, making some great painting progress - and now we're sharing it with all of you! Soggy After painting the two dreadnoughts earlier in the month, I thought I would treat myself...

Goonhammer Hobby Round-up: January 2021 (mid-month)

It's 2021, and our contributors are back with another hobby round-up! PierreTheMime A new year and new hopes for some of my armies! Specifically, the Death Guard are getting a long-awaited 9th Edition book and my Tyranids just received a huge...

How to Paint Everything – The Necron Monolith

This article is part of a larger series on how to paint Necrons. To return to that series, click here. The Monolith was a big deal when it was released. Literally – it was the largest model 40k had ever seen...

How to Paint Everything: The Doctors from Carnevale

In our How to Paint Everything we talk about how to paint well, everything! Today we're taking a look at the various gangs of an alternate reality Venice. In this instalment we're taking a look at how Mike approachs painting...

Skails’ 2020 Hobby Year in Review

2020 is down the tubes, and here is a look back at what I've painted. This year I've come to the conclusion that gaming isn't a realistic part of my life at this time, so I've spent more effort...

Rockfish’s Hobby Year in Review

2020 was a strange year, I basically spent all my free time either painting or biking what with the apocalypse and all. This weirdly resulted in my most hobby productive year period, which is a bit unfortunate given I...

How to Paint Everything: Sector Imperialis and Battlezone Manufactorum Ruins

In our How to Paint Everything series, we look at how to paint well, everything. In this article we're shifting focus away from the little warriors that populate our battlefields and toward the terrain they fight on. Today we're...

Jack’s 2020 Year in Review

Well, 2020 is quickly coming to an end DONE and that means it’s time to look back on what we accomplished this last year from a hobby standpoint. This was our first year doing regular hobby round-ups on a...

Greg’s 2k20 Year In Review

Well, 2020 is quickly coming to an end and that means it’s time to look back on what we accomplished this year from a hobby standpoint. This was our first year doing regular hobby round-ups on a semi-monthly basis...