
Army Spotlight: Colin Ward’s Blood Angels

In this week's Army Showcase, Colin Ward talks about his primaris-scaled Blood Angels and the work that went into making each model in the army amazing.

How to Paint Everything: Picking a Custom Colour Scheme

In our How to Paint Everything series we look at how to paint well, everything. In today's instalment we're looking at how to choose a custom color scheme for your models and make choices that will look great on...

Goonhammer Hobby Round-up: April 2021 (mid-month)

One quarter of the year is already done. After a gigantic hobby round-up from our Goonhammer patrons, our contributors are back sharing their own progress! Corrode After a few months of quiet with painting, I've come back full force with the...

Goonhammer Patron Hobby Roundup: April 2021- Part 2

Welcome back Readers! This is the second half of our King-sized Patron Hobby Roundup, part 1 of which you can find here. As always, thanks to our wonderful Goonhammer Patrons for supporting us, and for being so wonderfully talented....

Goonhammer Patron Hobby Roundup: April 2021- Part 1

As well as our regular contributor round-up this month we have some an extra Hobby Roundup to share with you, featuring our Goonhammer Patrons who have some rad projects to show off. So many of them have been hard at...

Paint Review: DarkStar Molten Metals

If you’ve ever painted any miniatures you’ve probably used some metallic paint. If you paint Chaos Space Marines or Titanicus titans then you probably spend more than half of your painting time doing metallic trim and you’ve probably googled...

Goonhammer Hobby Round-up: March 2021 (end of month)

We are 1/3rd of the way through the year. That means all of our team have painted 1/3rd of their new armies and not gotten totally sidetracked with other projects, right?? Corrode Lots of Fallout from me, and also...

Army Showcase: Dylan Gould’s 2nd Edition Chaos Space Marines

Welcome to GOONHAMMER '96, where we take a look back at our favorite games with a retro bent. We've already talked about the wonderful insanity of the 2nd edition CODEX: CHAOS this week, but we've got more retro Chaos...

How To Base Everything: Goblin Green Bases

In our How to Paint Everything series, we take a look at how to paint different models, armies, and materials, and different approaches to painting them. In this article, we’re hopping in the time machine and exploring the only basing...

How to Paint Everything: Squats

Well we're three years into 2nd edition, and most of the armies in the Codex Army List Supplements have been expanded into full army books, which makes a change from White Dwarf articles you have to carry around or...