
How to Paint Everything: Rotbringers Sorcerer of Nurgle

Many thanks to Game Workshop for providing a review copy of the new Sorcerer, as well as to my tendencies to hoard and not finish projects for providing the other. What do you do when faced with roughly five thousand...

HTPE: SRM’s Stormcast “Greekcast” Eternals

When Dominion dropped earlier this year, I was hype as hell for the new range of Stormcast. In place of the big fat babymen of AoS' launch, we had these statuesque spearmen, chariots, and big honkin angel ladies. These...

How to Paint Everything: High Marshal Helbrecht

In our How to Paint Everything series we look at how to paint, well, everything! We look at the lore and heraldry around the models and talk about multiple techniques and methods for painting them. In today's How to...

How to Paint Everything: Classic Movie Monsters

Oh It's Halloween again and that's our favorite time of year! We love talking about monsters and horror and so this week we're revisiting some classic movie monsters from the minis line by Studio Miniatures and talking about how to...

Goonhammer Hobby Round-up: August 2021

Liam "Corrode" Royle With a very busy August, I didn't get as much done as I would have liked - really just a few characters. Most of my painting this month involved a bunch of gold, with Morvenn Vahl and...

How to Paint Everything: Veteran Guardsmen (Death Korps of Krieg)

With the launch of the Kill Team 2.0 and the Octarius Killzone, Games Workshop unveiled two new kill teams: Veteran Guardsmen and Kommandos, finally giving us full, multi-part plastic kits for each. With the release we finally have plastic...

How to Paint Everything: Ork Kommandos

With the launch of the Kill Team 2.0 and the Octarius Killzone, Games Workshop unveiled two new kill teams: Veteran Guardsmen and Kommandos, finally giving us full, multi-part plastic kits for each. Since then we've fallen in love with...

How to Paint Everything: Ork Terrain

The new Kill Team boxed set introduces us to the Octarius Killzone and the Ork settlements that spot its landscape, along with all new Ork terrain. These large heaps of scrap can be daunting to paint so if you're...

Goonhammer Hobby Round-up: June 2021 (end of month)

Half of 2021 has gone already, but the paint must flow... here's what we've been working on! Corrode With a new baby around the place June was a less productive month than May - only 24 models compared to 56! That...

How to Paint Everything: The Kruleboyz in Age of Sigmar Dominion

In our How to Paint Everything series, we take a look at different armies of the Warhammer universe, examine their history and heraldry, and look at several different methods for painting them. With the recent release of the Dominion boxed...