
Soggy’s Hobby Year in Review: 2022

Another year has come and gone in what feels like a blink of the eye. My year was dominated by the hobby, so it makes sense to take a breather and look back on my hobby progress when looking...

Year in Review: Rockfish’s 2022

Well, it looks like we’ve done another year. Not entirely sure when that happened, but geez was this a dense one for me! Between work, becoming a homeowner, and a gradual increase in the amount of socialization I felt...

Marchettus’ Year in Review, Age of Sigmar Style

I made it through this year, like every year since 2019, because of the love and encouragement of my partner. True love is taking time from your real award-winning art to make funky little tokens that match the scareshields...

Bair’s Hobby Year in Review

Hi, my name is Bair and I play too many games. I've even painted them too this time (this is a drastic personal change from me pre-Covid times). The games that I did play this year include: Titanicus (you...

TheArmorOfContempt’s 2022 Year-in-Review and the Road to 2023 (and Beyond!)

Here we are at the end of 2022, and this year has really been the highlight year of nearly a decade in the hobby. In the last two years my involvement with the hobby has only deepened, with me...

SRM’s Ongoing Imperium Review: Week 39

Imperium is a weekly hobby magazine from Hachette Partworks. In this 80-week series, our intrepid magazine-receiver will be reviewing each individual issue, its included models, and gaming materials. A Premium subscription was provided to Goonhammer for review purposes. Welcome to...

Goonhammer Historicals: a year in review

Every year we're inundated with lists and round-ups, and in what is becoming a tradition for the Goonhammer Historicals Team, we're here today to continue this trend. As we pry our contributors from their painting desks and handcrafted tables,...

Rocco’s Year in Review: Space Marines, Blood Bowl, and Yu-Gi-Oh! Oh My!

2022. It's been a long year. I went to a lot of big 40k events, a lot of concerts, and picked up an old hobby. It’s been a long year. I really dove head first into the hobby in...

Swiftblade’s 2022 Year-in-Review

The two thousandth and twenty-second year of the Common Era was a particularly important year in my life. The year has had some important and incredible highs, but also not without some heartbreaking tragedy in there too. Most importantly,...

SRM’s 2022 in Review

Welcome to another annual novella by yours truly. I don't write "Road Through" articles like our fearless leader Rob Jones, but instead seed those personal narratives, microdose-like, through my own Imperium Magazine reviews. Should you not want to browse...