Ossiarch Bonereapers

Goonhammer Review: Broken Realms: Teclis

Broken Realms: Morathi was a landmark book for Age of Sigmar. Shocking myself, and many others, it had some solid rules for the factions contained within and the conflict described within did not end in a stalemate. The fall...

White Dwarf #461 Flashpoints: The Charnel Kingdom

In the Narrative Forge, we talk about playing games with more of a storytelling focus in mind. From bespoke missions to Crusade armies to sweeping campaigns, we cover the ways to add flavor to games. In today’s article, we’re...

Getting Started: Ossiarch Bonereapers

With Broken Realms: Teclis on the horizon, Games Workshop has promised new rules for a handful of armies related to Order and Death (and Nurgle too!). Now is a great time to get started on these armies, to have...

White Dwarf 453: Ossiarch Bonereapers Battalions

The new White Dwarf is out for May 2020 and while it may be difficult to get in stores in some parts of the country, subscriptions and digital downloads are available - go pick it up! There's lots of...

Goonhammer Hobby Round-up: April 2020 (mid-month)

With Covid-19 rampaging across the world, many of our authors have way more painting time than normal. As such, for April we're doing a two-part hobby round-up, in the middle of the month and at the end, to let...

Start Competing: Ossiarch Bonereapers Tactics

Updated 11 April 2021. Welcome, great Necromancer, to Start Competing: Ossiarch Bonereapers! Do you like completely sick skeleton warriors? Have you demanded that your loved ones leave “Rest in Peace” off your tombstone so you can be drafted into the...

Age of Sigmar Review: Ossiarch Bonereapers

The Ossiarch Bonereapers were a bit of a surprise to the Age of Sigmar community. Teased with some vague trailers about a General professing his admiration of Nagash and his mission to collect a "Tithe of Bones", people weren't...