
Competitive Innovations in 10th: Violent Night

Christmas approaches and the scene is finally starting to wind down after last week's blowout, but there's still a few generals who haven't yet succumbed to a festive ceasefire, and a few events to cover. These are: Winter Assault...

How to Paint Da Red Gobbo’s Surprise

Games Workshop has a pretty wide range of model material complexity, at one end you can do necron warriors with maybe three at the bare minimum, and at the other you have their mini-dioramas which can include an uncountable...

Competitive Innovations in 10th: Festive Fury pt.2

We need all the Warhammer you have. ...no that's too much. A plus-ultra sized week continues here, with another seven events on the docket. Let's see how it's looking out there. Today we have Lowest of Men investigating: Warzone: Atlanta 2023 Warhammer 40k...

Competitive Innovations in 10th: The Dark Is Rising pt.1

Ancient foes continue to clash near the top of the metagame, as various Chaos forces attempt to execute a multi-pronged attack on Aeldari dominance. The Aeldari are still just about on top, but the gap is narrowing, especially as...

Competitive Innovations in 10th: How Celestine Got Her Groove Back pt.2

The new slogan may as well be "so much Warhammer, all of the time" so we're going to get straight into it today - Lowest of Men is in charge, and will be covering: Kippers' Melee 2023 - 40k (major) ...

Competitive Innovations in 10th: How Celestine Got Her Groove Back pt.1

Warhammer will continue until morale improves, apparently - we've got another gigantic week for your delectation, and more interesting builds at the top (plus the regular crop of Aeldari for you to boo and throw turnips at). Today I'll be covering: ...

Competitive Innovations in 10th: Pumpkin Spice Melee pt.2

No brakes on the warhammer train this week, and plenty more exciting builds putting in great performances. Lowest of Men is in charge today, looking at: Battle for Salvation (major) Belgium GT (major) GT La Laguna II Edición Battle Zone...

Competitive Innovations in 10th: Pumpkin Spice Melee pt.1

Not much of a slowdown from last weekend's massive events - we've got ten events for you this week, including four majors, and some encouraging novelty at the top. Are the Aeldari still here? Obviously, but we've got undefeated...

Goonhammer Interviews: Vtubing Superstar Zentreya Talks Warhammer, Hamburgers, and Horror

A question we often ask at Goonhammer HQ is: “What can we do that’s different or unique in the hobby space?”, and I love to find ways to answer that question more than anything else I do here. So,...

Competitive Innovations in 10th: Meta-morphosis pt.2

Lowest of Men is once again at the helm for part 2 this week, and it's a big one - we've got a mighty six events for you, including a late arrival from Europe. Today we'll be covering: Warzone Houston (major) ...