
Codex Orks 10th Edition: The Goonhammer Review

This book rules unbelievably hard. Normally we do a fun pithy intro here, but in this case we felt we needed to get that out the way up front. Are you one of those Ork players who has a lovingly...

Competitive Innovations in 10th: Five Alarm Phaerons pt.1

Well, I enjoyed my quiet week, but the community's hunger for 40K was never going to abate for long, and we've snapped straight to another three part column to cover this week's events. These will be coming out today, tomorrow and Friday. Anything interesting...

Competitive Innovations in 10th: The Imperium Strikes Back pt.2

Wings update - still sick. That means no pithy intro, straight into the content. You love content. Today you will have Lowest of Men as normal, covering: OPEN "ATLAVERA" 2024 (IBERIAN OPEN) Talvisota - Winter Assault 2024 JP CUP Toys...

Competitive Innovations in 10th: Dressed for Success pt.1

The twists and turns of the metagame continue unabated this week, as Necrons get marginally barged back into their tombs by a triumvirate of snappily-dressed factions. Whether it's glorious golden armour, a Nemesis Dreadknight or just a straight-up Gundam,...

Competitive Innovations in 10th: Silver Tide pt.1

Welp, it's finally happened, this week we're going to three parts. That's because the past weekend was an absolutely astounding blowout of 40K, featuring ~1200 players participating in 16 GT+ events (around half of them majors) and that doesn't even account for...

Competitive Innovations in 10th: 24-Karat Carnage pt.1

The Adeptus Custodes are back in business this week, bringing joy to the hearts of anyone who loves gold and despair to anyone who hates playing against army-wide 4+ Invulnerable Saves. Please do not think too hard about whether...

Competitive Innovations in 10th: Rearguard Action pt.2

We're back for part 2, watching the final death throes (?) of some of the builds that have dominated the last few months. If you want to know what's coming next for the metagame, make sure to check out...

Q1 2024 Balance Dataslate & MFM – Xenos – The Goonhammer Review

Today Games Workshop released a massive update for Warhammer 40,000 giving us a huge shake-up for competitive play. In addition to the balance dataslate for Q1 2024, we also saw the release of a new game-wide points update, rules/FAQ...

Competitive Innovations in 10th: Contempt of Court pt.1

As you may have seen last week, Games Workshop decided that the output of Immortals in the new Canoptek Court detachment was maybe a little too Devastating, and dropped a hammer on the combo. That, of course, was too late...

Competitive Innovations in 10th: New Year Retribution pt.2

Back for part two, this time with Lowest of Men at the helm. Today we're looking at: Glass City GT EXTERMINATUS VIII - Rise of the Noodle Defcon 2024 - Warhammer 40k Warlords of Walsall GT 1 UKTC ITC If you're looking...