
How to Paint Everything: Orks (40k)

In our How to Paint Everything series, we take a look at different armies of the Warhammer universe, examine their history and heraldry, and look at several different methods for painting them. Today we are looking at how to paint...

Hammer of Math: Numbah of da Beast

Saga of the Beast has provided some exciting content for both Orks and Space Wolves, and we would be remiss if we didn't take the opportunity to look at how the numbers check out. There's a lot in this...

Saga of the Beast Review: Orks

Orks is, obviously, Da Best. However, just in case Orks weren't definitely, completely, totally Da Best, we're sure there are many Warbosses out there who've been looking forward to getting their turn in the Psychic Awakening. Well shout a...

Your Warlord Sucks Hot Take Round Table: Ragnar vs. Ghazghkull

In Goonhammer Hot Takes, we do quick-pass reviews and reactions to new releases, rules, and events. In today’s Hot Take, Goonhammer’s worst and dumbest authors are covering the latest Space Marine to be Primaris-ified, known idiot and Space Wolf...

Hammer of Math: Numbah Krumpin’

In honor of what I'm preemptively calling Ork Week out of respect for my favorite faction, this week's Hammer of Math is going to cover the much beloved (just not by GW) Stompa in the context of points efficiency....

North East Open Tournament Analysis

Good news - big changes in the metagame means that it's exciting to write about tournament results again! Last week we previewed the North East Open, a 100-player major happening in the UK with a formidible roster of players...

Ironjawz White Dwarf Warscroll Battalions: Analysis & Review

The March issue of White Dwarf brought with it some new rules for Ironjawz players, giving the Ironsunz sub-faction access to three exclusive Warscroll Battalions that help encourage thematic armies that fit the fluff of the sub-faction. Today we’ll...

One_Wing’s Tournament Report: Beachhead Brawl

Welcome once again elf fans - a relatively quick one this week because last week was a bit wild and so far my Warhammer time this week has been taken up dealing with an FAQ immediately breaking my article...

Start Collecting Warhammer 40,000

For new players, starting an army can be daunting: There are tons of different army boxes and deals out there, and figuring out how to build an army can be a paralyzing experience for players who want to expand...

Start Competing: Orks Tactics

This page now references an out of date edition of the game. For Start Competing: Orks in 10th edition and onwards, please click here. WAAAGH da Orks! Orks have been an iconic part of the 40k range for a long, long...