
The Myth of Motivation – Adam “Loopy” Fasoldt

Better known as "Loopy", Adam Fasoldt is a well-known member of the Warhammer community. You can hear him on the Masters of the Forge Podcast or check out his 26,000 points of Orks on Warhammer Community's spotlight. When he...

Competitive Innovations in 9th: GT Triple Threat

After a few quiet weeks, this weekend was another big one, with three mid-sized GTs firing to give us more juicy, juicy intel on what's hot in the world of Warhammer 40K. There's a lot to get through here...

9th Edition Imperial Armour Compendium: The Goonhammer Review

Forge World formed a key part of competitive play in 8th Edition, offering a wide range of additional options for some factions alongside some very cool models for players who wanted to try something different. The impact was, shall...

Competitive Innovations in 9th: Northern Front and New Books

The past weekend was another relatively quiet one on the scene in terms of big events, with just a single GT to look at, but smaller events are still churning on and with new books just having come out...

Competitive Innovations in 9th: Europe and Down Under

The past weekend has been an extremely busy one in the 40K world, with a huge number of multi-day events running around the world. That means that as a special treat, this week you get two of these! Today, we'll...

Aeronautica Imperialis Hot Take: Itz Da Big Boyz!

So Flight Plan surprised us this week, not with pictures of the Tau Drone Fighters and ground batteries that still haven’t been seen, but with the first super heavy bomber of Aeronautica Imperialis 2nd edition. Meet the Ork Mega Bommer:   The...

Shane Watts Talks Orks on the 40k Today Podcast!

Our own Shane Watts recently placed 2nd at the YHP Labor Day GT in Fredricksburg (read about his experience here) and went on the 40k Today podcast to talk about his experiences with Peter the Falcon. You can listen...

Competitive Innovations in 9th: Invasion GT

Strap in kids, this is going to be a good one! As promised last week and thanks to a handy tip-off from a reader, this week we're looking at the top lists from Norway's Invasion GT, which at 58 players...

Tournament Report: Labor Day GT

Hello there readers! Shane again with another tournament report, the first one in a while. Firstly I hope this article finds you safe and in good health in these crazy times. I cannot stress enough how much I wish...

Competitive Innovations in 9th: YHP GT

Another week and, in the end, another GT for us to review lists from. With the US enjoying Labor day weekend, a decent scattering of RTTs fired across the nation, but among them were a few larger events, one...