
How to Paint Everything: Ork Kommandos

With the launch of the Kill Team 2.0 and the Octarius Killzone, Games Workshop unveiled two new kill teams: Veteran Guardsmen and Kommandos, finally giving us full, multi-part plastic kits for each. Since then we've fallen in love with...

How to Paint Everything: Ork Terrain

The new Kill Team boxed set introduces us to the Octarius Killzone and the Ork settlements that spot its landscape, along with all new Ork terrain. These large heaps of scrap can be daunting to paint so if you're...

Competitive Innovations in 9th: Slamtastic Summer pt.2

As promised yesterday we are back, bringing you even more list review content from a blockbuster weekend. Unfortunately, scheduling issues have stopped JONK being able to join in, but Robert "TheChirurgeon" Jones has stepped up to join me once more,...

Kill Team Compendium Review, Part 3: Xenos Teams and Final Thoughts

OK two parts down, one to go. We split our review of the compendium into three parts to make it a bit easier to tackle from a reading (and writing perspective). In this third and final part we'll be...

Competitive Innovations in 9th: Waaagh on the Horizon

This week in the Goonhammer offices we've been busily trying to work on our various writing tics and bad habits, and in that spirit I'm going to have to think of a way to open these other than "another...

Kill Team 2.0: Octarius Review

Although we’ve talked at length about the new Kill Team 2.0 in our review, there’s a second, rather hefty, book included in the new box and that’s the Octarius Campaign book. In this review we’ll be diving deeper into...

Kill Team 2.0: Unboxing

If you've spent any time at all on Warhammer Community or any hobby social media you'll be well aware of the imminent release of Kill Team second edition. It was generally assumed that we would see an update to...

Hammer of Math: Ork Codex

Last week I asked you to provide me with some suggestions about topics from Codex: Orks that you thought might be worth exploring, and many of you did just that. So let's take a look! Orks is best. They're fun...

Ruleshammer 40k: Orks

This Ruleshammer article will cover the quirkz and odditiez to be found in Codex Orks! You can also find answerz to many more questionz in the Ruleshammer Compendium! Last Updated: 2022-02-10 Current Q&A Does Opportunist work whilst embarked in a Transport? This is...

Codex Orks: The Crusade Rules Review

There’s a new Codex: Orks, and we’re covering it on Goonhammer this week. If you want to check out the competitive rules, we did that too, but here we’ve summoned the Narrative Waaagh! and Special Goonhammer Friend Greggles to...