
6 Things You Need to Know About the New Ork Kill Rig/Hunta Rig

Happy weekend, Dear Reader. We're a week out from the release of perhaps the most anticipated unit in the recent Codex: Orks - The Kill Rig. Games Workshop was kind enough to send us a preview copy of the...

Competitive Innovations in 9th: The Warp Stirs pt.1

A new challenger approaches. As foretold by our expert statistical prognosticars, this weekend saw Grey Knights hit the metagame in a big way, with a couple of event wins (including a major) and plenty of other decent showings. Their...

How to Paint Everything: Crab-Stuffed Mushrooms’ Ork Kill Team Terrain

We've previously covered how to paint the new Octarius terrain from Kill Team 2021 in our How to Paint Everything article on the topic, but today we're bringing you an extra dose covering Crab-Stuffed Mushrooms' wonderful efforts to assemble...

Competitive Innovations in 9th: Supermajor Surprise

You would think that I would remember that there was an upcoming supermajor given that I was, at one point, booked for it (prior to potential COVID disruption to travel leading me to cancel) but apparently not. Well, there...

40k FAQ Hot Take: Codex Orks

Games Workshop dropped a pair of important FAQs today for Codex Orks and Imperial Armour Compendium (addressing Ork units), ostensibly on time for the "proper" book release. We identified a number of key things that needed to be addressed...

Hammer of Math: Ork Kulturs

This week's Hammer of Math takes a look at the effect of the different bonuses available to each Ork Kultur. The (somewhat) new Codex: Orks is filled with cool new rules and models and we're already seeing it take tables...

Codex Orks: Review Roundup

Goonhammer was provided with a review copy of Codex Orks by Games Workshop. Codex Orks is up for preorder today, letting all the budding Warbosses out there who missed the boat on the Beast Snaggas box get in on the...

Nick Nanavati Talks About Playing Orks with the New Codex

  Hello friends, family, and creatures of all ages! I’m Nick Nanavati from Art of War, and I’m hear to tell you all about the new Ork codex and how you can best loot up your tanks, sharpen your axes,...

Competitive Innovations in 9th: Global Waaaagh pt.1

OK, so the new bit here is that seemingly every other week I need to introduce this column with "it's the biggest week yet for Competitive Innovations" because it is, again. This week we've got ten events from around the...

Old Bale Eye Review: Our First Taste of Warhammer+

Recently, Warhammer Community hosted a preview of one of Warhammer+'s new shows, Hammer and Bolter. For 24 hours, we could watch the first episode of this anthology series, Old Bale Eye. Future episodes promise stories from all over the...