
JoyToy Imperial Fists & Ork Kommandos Figures: The Goonhammer Review

Thanks to JoyToy for sending me these figures for review. It’s not every day a rad company like JoyToy reaches out and offers to send you some rad stuff. And while we've reviewed them before, JoyToy has been on an absolute...

Competitive Innovations in 9th: Start Wearing Purple pt.1

It's another massive week of 40K, and this time the sinister/heroic (delete as applicable) forces of the Genestealer Cults are making a big splash. While it's not quite as busy as last week, a couple of the team have offered...

Competitive Innovations in 9th: Peak Warhammer pt.1

How about those Arks of Omen, eh? People sure do seem to love them. This past weekend is, I think, the biggest for tournament play we've ever had other than LGT or LVO weekends, and terrifyingly that's not counting the 300-player...

Competitive Innovations in 9th: Darkest Timeline pt.2

Welcome back to part 2 of this week's column, where we've got four more events for your enjoyment. While a certain Marine chapter continues to look substantially overcooked, it's otherwise looking like a pretty healthy metagame out there, with...

Competitive Innovations Extra: CaptainCon 2023

Look, what can I say, Gregbot's auspicator was on the blink (or possibly it overloaded when Dark Angels won an event) and we missed the biggest non-team event of the week, CaptainCon. For my part in these crimes, I...

Orks of Omen Faction Focus: Orks

Warboss Ben Jurek stops by today to talk about Orks in Arks of Omen and how they're well positioned to take on the world.

Competitive Innovations in 9th: Nephilim is LVOver

This weekend a momentous event took place - I took a Wraithknight to a GT and... **Extremely Loud Incorrect Buzzer** Rob is looking at me from the other side of the (very real) Goonhammer offices and shaking his head, which I...

Competitive Innovations in 9th: Arks Anticipation Station

It's a new year and a new season rapidly approaches, but as ever we've still got a final few weeks of the current metagame to play out before Arks of Omen fully arrives, culminating in the Las Vegas Open...

Chapter Approved: Arks of Omen Review – Xenos

We’ve had the forces of the Imperium and Chaos - now everyone else. Perhaps unsurprisingly given how many armies the definition spans, Xenos have had a mixed time of it in Nephilim, some factions thriving thanks to powerful rules...

Competitive Innovations in 9th: Just As Planned pt.1

We're not too far out from the tournament scene winding down just a little bit for Christmas, but this week is another massive one for results, with a UK Supermajor, two US majors, and a mighty seven GTs. In the...