Old World

How to Paint Everything – The Old World Bretonnia Knights of the Realm

Today BananaLee goes over how to paint a Bretonnian Knight of the Realm from The Old World in How to Paint Everything.

Warhammer The Old World: Our New Landing Page!

You may have noticed a few new names appearing under out Old World articles over the last couple of months and that's no mistake: we're a bigger team! We'll be continuing coverage for The Old World as new Arcane...

The Old World: War of Vengeance

Warhammer is full of wonderful, old, lore and one of the best parts is the War of Vengeance or the War of the Beard depending on which side you're on. This is the breaking point of relations between Elves...

Heraldry and You – A Quick Guide to Choosing a Colour Scheme for Bretonnia in the Old World

In this article we’re looking at how to select an appropriate colour scheme for your Bretonnian army, considerations and other fun discussions on heraldry from a real-world, lore, or just "I want something pretty" perspective.  Let's be straight up. Bretonnia...

The Old World Arcane Journal – Warriors of Chaos

  "The shadow of Chaos grows with the passing of the seasons. Fight and struggle as much as you wish, it will not help you - this world is doomed" - Engra Deathsword Hot on the heels of the Dwarfen Mountain...

How to Tame Your Dragons – The Old World Edition

As tournament results have slowly begun trickling in in this new format and people have been getting in more and more games it has become apparent that the lists showing the most consistent results so far are generally the...

Old World: Reserve Move and You

The Old World is a setting filled with flying monsters, barreling Cavalry, and in some cases locomotive engines. But, today, we'll be talking about one of the fastest and most utility filled rules in the book: Reserve Move.  Spread very...

Ye Olde Ruleshammer: Killing Blow and Monster Slayer

This is the beginning of what will likely be a series all about rules interactions in the Old World. I wanted to call this series "Read Your Rulebook" but thought better of that. Mostly.  Today I'm looking at the two...

The Old World: Shooting and Volley Fire

With a new edition of a rank and flank game comes the question: how many ranks is the right number? This will vary drastically between player, army, and unit but for volley firing arrows it's a little easier to...

Minimagtray the Magnetic Movement Tray Review

A thank you to MinimagTRAY for sending us a large range of products to review!  To tray or not to tray? This is hardly ever a question amongst rank-and-flank gamers and Old World has sparked a newfound love for square-based...