Old Dominion

Conquest Campaign Pack Review: Ashes and Faith

Today Thanqol Decadion takes a look at the campaign pack Ashes & Faith for Conquest: The Last Argument of Kings.

Conquest First Blood Faction Focus: Old Dominion

Welcome back to my mini-series on the smaller skirmish form of Conquest: First Blood. Through this, I’m going over how the game plays and each faction that you can place on the table, their strengths and weaknesses, and how...

Updated Article – Conquest Faction Focus: The Old Dominion – November 2024

With the arrival of the October 2024 balance update which winds back the glow-up Old Dominion received in January from 'near-nuclear' to 'merely incandescent', the Conquest Faction Focus for the Old Dominion has been thoroughly updated, with new sections,...

How to Paint Everything: Old Dominion

In our How to Paint Everything series we look at how to paint well, everything, with different techniques and approaches. This week, we're taking a look at Mike's approach to his studio scheme inspired Old Dominion. I knew that going...

Conquest First Blood Balance Update July 2024 Hot Take

First Blood (FB2) fans, our prayer has been answered by Parabellum! This update marks the first of many promises from the game developers, which means that the devs are actively working on this game and are paying close attention to...

Conquest Tactics: Fighting Old Dominion

“When the last defenders of Aepernia fell to the tide of living death that engulfed the south, the foe they left to the reinforcing forces of Acheron were scattered and brittle. Even the notoriously taciturn god of Acheron is...

Conquest in Australia – Super Series One

Someone’s first event is a special time, full of hope, and crushed hopes like so many Crossbowmen stomped flat beneath an Apex Predator. Did my brand new fancy City States army march forward bearing the light of a god...

How To Paint Everything: Conquest Old Dominion OSL

In our How to Paint Everything series we look at how to paint well, everything, with different techniques and approaches. This wee we're looking at how to take on an airbrush-based approach to OSL painting for a large number...