
Infinity N5 Faction First Impressions: Nomads

With the new edition of Infinity out and on the table, we take a look at how the Nomad faction is keeping up with the times.

Infinity Nomads Guide Part 3: Reinforcements

Welcome back to our in-depth look at Nomads in Infinity. If you missed the prior entries in the series you can find Part 1 (competitive lists) here and Part 2 (Units and Roles) here.  It’s fair to say that the release of the...

The Guide to Nomads in Infinity, Part Two: Units & Roles

This is part two of a multi-part series looking at Nomads in Infinity. You can find Part 1 Here. We have already looked into the widely acknowledged competitive Nomad list building defaults. Now it’s time to examine alternative options. As strong...

The Guide to Nomads in Infinity, Part One: Competitive Meta Lists

The Nomad Nation is composed of three enormous spacefaring motherships, each of which is home to a distinct group of outcasts from the wider Human Sphere. Tunguska (the money) is run by gangsters and bankers; Corregidor (the hand) is...

Infinity Adepticon Release: New Bakunin Profiles Reactions

It's time for the major Adepticon release for Infinity by Corvus Belli, which if you've not been keeping up, is a rework of the Bakunin Jurisdictional Command, one of the Nomads Sectorial armies, with a release box firmly centred...